Francisco Galárraga

Uh, can't we see more environment variety please? Everything look so green.. and old. And dark screens are too dark!!

@cainxavier: That's just bad AI, that's all. It's also weird to see that despite one of them falling to a tripwire, two more run in to the scene like nothing happened and get blasted by more tripwires. It's like their kamikaze mine detectors or something

@fELIXADER: Hmm.. I kinda think the opposite. For example the sniper sequence: The taliban fighter see that one of their guys got shot, but they keep coming up in the line of sight of the sniper, with their back TOWARDS were the shot came from. The sniper is just having a blast shooting them off, like if he wer

@DocSeuss: Personally I used to hate console games, until this guy gifted me his old first gen PS2 (damn old!). Asking around SOTC was the first game I got recommened, so I bought it. I got it pretty recently as well, well having played awesome mostly pc games like Dawn of War, Deus Ex, Modern Warfare, Stalker,

@dunetiger - Free DaiMac!: IMO, I think the pet will die, early on in the game, but you get a new "babier" gryphon that you have to take care of until the rest of the game and watch it grow up.

@resonance462: Or the last moments of happiness before something unexpected and sad happens. I guess we'll see!

@PatMan33: Dude I think you should go play MW instead, that'll get you excited.

The characters look definitley improved, but the environments, I'll be honest, look almost exactly the same. I wish they would've done a side by side comparison to better judge the HD "improvements".

I would've titled this: With Booth Babes Around Them, They did Pushups.

The last pic is a scene I would expect if I'm about to be abducted by aliens.

Just sell it cheaper damn it. 20-30$ launch price and DLC the shit out of it.

I'm with you Uwe Boll. Keep on doing controversial projects, someone has to do them. And you've got the balls to do so, unlike others. I bet Auschwitz will be horrifying to see, but I can see that's exactly the point. Keep it up!

Uh, we could still fill balloons with air can't we?

@ImmaLion: She's also very hot, so that's some extra points.

@Deadp00l: I think the I Am Legend prequel would be about the last humans alive in Manhattan, like after her wife and child died, but before the events that happened in the "original" movie.

When it gets to the 1$ per gig mark, I'll definitely buy one.

Looking good!

@RtFusion: Damn that's a sad sight. One day I hope I get to "test" one out, but not on normal streets.

Finally something different. Vanquish is just the action game we need people.