Yah it’s better when another inmate rapes and murders him instead
Yah it’s better when another inmate rapes and murders him instead
I hope Nasser gets raped and murdered in prison, and yes thats what he deserves
The muslims are the violent instigators in india. The hindus are not blameless either as theyre why homosexuality is illegal there. It’s a country that is socially behind the times in almost every aspect. He might be trumpesque but, so is the majority of the country.
How is it that a third world country where being gay is illegal happened to get this one right?
Im honored to be emulated! And you made me burst out loud laughing
Thats why nobody wants an Amazon warehouse except really poor counties. Most people definitely want Amazons HQ2
Hi, its me the original commenter:)
A firearm is a wonderful equalizer when it comes to a potential violent encounter with a man
Gizmodo Media Group also makes a ton of money whoring out amazon products via kinja deals.
Im sure the also very white baby would rather be out on the streets with its drug addict mother right? Or do you just wish that it was aborted to begin with?
The same people who think he shouldnt work in radio are the same ones who think felons should vote and sex offenders shouldnt be tracked in a registry. Aka The hysterical Jezebels
Like thats a bad thing. Its nice to have stores and restaurants in abundance, both local and chain.
He will be interrupted plenty in prison by other men’s dicks
Hes about to be counseled plenty in prison with giant cocks in his ass
Hopefully his ass can get a different GED in prison.
Slickdeals people are the worst
Slickdeals people are the worst
I bought a 30k new car for the wife at 1.89% for 48mos via the credit union and put nothing down. First year we paid $100 per month more and soon were right side up. The issue i see is banks offering refinance loans for up to 120% the value of the car and giving 72 month terms, that ensures folks stay upside down for…
They dont. They tell them to sign a 5/1 ARM or give them a 6% mortgage rate, and to put 20% down
Ive mentioned Dell repeatedly in the comment thread.
Dell in Round rock, tx. Didnt pull anything out of my ass