
Alot of us got ours, come to Austin, but dont stay long, you might get a great job here.

Tips aka fodder for Asha to get butthurt about.

You people ask for tips almost as much as you ask for referral revenue for kinja deals. Yet your most commented article from today is staunchly anti amazon.

If having a good job and providing for my family so they dont struggle for necessities means im a serf then so be it. And Yes, id like fries with that, thank you.

I have repeatedly in this thread. Dell in Round Rock, TX

It is fucked up unless youre a homeowner, then you have alot of equity in your home

My mortgage has stayed the same for the past decade. My house value has gone up and so have my prop taxes, but the schools and roads here have improved too

Dell in Round rock, tx.

I do work in tech and we will probably relpcate before we get priced out. Still s great place to live up until that point

My concern is that of my family, not the rest of the country.

Im in north austin so we have the domain nearby for entertainment. Round rock is total suburbia, which i dont like, but i hear no complaints from their locals

Dell in round rock tx. Their campus was given their own specially zoned zip code which exempted prop taxes for some number of years. Round rock exploded in population and growth. Highest paid teachers and police, fire, ems in texas for like 20 years

Round rock tx. And the jobs were all $40k and up

I think it wouldnt help austin if it was within the city, but if they picked a suburb, there would have to be a huge local boom. Austin is the next dallas ft. Worth metroplex

Lol i live in austin, making 6 figures for an easy, yet skilled job, working from home, in a house i bought 10 years ago for 210k thats now worth 375k. Yes, i really want amazon here too. And austin is a friendlier seattle

Round rock, just outside austin

Im in austin but round rock, tx just to the north has dell and is a prosperous small town

Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.

Fuck you, we got ours

Dell, round rock