Francie Nolan

Guys don’t do emotional labor. He’s already training her for marriage— it’s now her job to deal with his family.

Because the military, police, etc don’t own the anthem. It’s the national anthem. It’s for all of us. Not just you. Not just me. Not the people in blue or fatigues. All of us. So, by protesting during the anthem, he is stating that we all need to take a long look at where we’re at as a nation.

My favorite part is the guy screaming about how they should treat Trump like the did Obama....and make him a one-term President. I’m sure it was just poor phrasing, but LOFuckingL.

I’ll bet Trump also calls Ben Carson “Uncle Ben” in private.

Clarence Thomas?

Trump also said it was his favorite uncle. Not sure what he meant by that.


That brassiness tho, jesus. Use a toner, lady.

*fake blonde

The real story would not have taken much effort here. A significant percentage of the NY, NJ, and PA Hasidem have a long criminal history that includes welfare fraud. I lived in Goshen, NY. Between the meth labs, municipal theft, extortion law suits, and obvious welfare fraud the town’s are a mess. If you own real

The Orthodox community votes Republican. Check the voting record of Lakewood. 75% for Trump, 74% for Romney, etc etc.

This isn’t an accurate way to compare black vs white stats regarding welfare allowances and the punishment for abusing them. The Hasidic community is a league of it’s own. They are ruthless violators of all things legal on paper. I live among them, now. I’m walking distance from the Lakewood border. I know of what I

Lakewood, whose population literally doubled due to an influx of Orthodox Jews, voted 75% for Trump. The area this is happening in is highly unique.

Yeah, Lakewood is one of those towns where ultra-Orthodox/Hassidic people have completely taken over the local political control and essentially run the communities like theocracies. It’s not a good look.

I’m Jewish so I feel like I have license to say this: every negative, inaccurate stereotype about People of Color who receive government assistance is actually true about the UltraOrthodox Jews who take over towns in the TriState Area. They have tons of kids, a lot of the men don’t have jobs or are marginally employed

Of course it wouldn’t happen in a predominately black town in NJ. The Orthodox Jewish community in New York, especially in the borough of Brooklyn, are treated much differently than the rest of the community. They are even allowed to have their own policing. Many of the wives and children receive public assistance,

Soooo...I’m guessing the local government isn’t exactly enamored with and stanning for the Mordechais and Tzipporahs of Ocean County out of the goodness of their hearts.

The problem with that movie is that it would be a lot longer than you think.

No Dogs or Irish