Franchise Punter

Dark Age of Camelot, pre-ToA expansion (and lots of it before Frontiers, as well). None of the modern conveniences of MMOs existed back then, so it was very community-based. Leveling up was a slog, too, but one of then most efficient ways was small groups (2-3), so you'd constantly be building your friends list and

Seconded. It has one of my favorite scenes of any movie in it:

Oh, the nostalgia. I think that was the first non-educational PC game I ever played. We had it on a demo disc with a few other games and it only included one scenario with a fixed starting point, but no limit to how many times we could play it.

Forget it! I wanted to share my pop secret with you…

Agreed. I particularly love stage 3, where the sound (but not the actual song) changes slightly based on whether you're in the ice or fire part of the level. It's subtle, but perfectly captures the mood.

It's fun cause there's no touching and lots of rules!

Does the diamond dealer ever sell expensive items? I've only ever seen 1 and 2 cost items. But if you could shell out 6+ for a sweet weapon to start your all zones run off, it'd be great incentive to alternate back and forth.

You are my hero. Seems bizarre that it's not set up that way by default, but I guess I didn't realize it was designed for a dance pad.

This game is immensely enjoyable, but the difficulty curve seems exponential. Stage 3 is kicking my ass, and the purple hued picture you posted above of what I assume is stage 4 just looks impossible. I've gotten pretty comfortable with the basics of the game, but I just can't imagine myself improving to the point

"As a model…"

From cars to snowboards? He has so much range!

C's get degrees!

My god, what is this feeling? It's not like envy, or even hungry!

Huh. When do you listen to the Limbo soundtrack?

Question that goes to the other side of this topic:

Same here. I've never beaten the Hellkite Dragon straight up. It doesn't really seem like a fair fight to me, and I don't mean that in a typical Dark Souls way. Getting stunlocked by random fire breath from a flying dragon isn't my idea of fun. And I say that as somebody who really enjoyed the Kalameet fight. Hellkite

The Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack is my workout mix. If not for its brilliance, I'd have done considerably less cardio over the past few years. Though I suppose I'd also have spent less time sitting on my couch playing SOR2, so maybe it balances out.

Tom Brier is the best. His Zelda one is phenomenal, too:

The old-timey piano version of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" in Bioshock Infinite!

True, but Pong makes it seem riveting by comparison.