Franchise Punter

What about standing around the top level waiting and then walking down the stairs with him?

Probably tasted like Petey's mom's cooch.

What about those boots he got "for traction"?

Classic Chekhov's Moose.

"It's a gamble, but the end objective is that Nas doesn't want to do ANY
time in prison, nor does he want to walk around for the rest of his life
with a murder rap hanging on his back"

I did not know that. Better or worse than Rikers?

Also in agreement with your hashtag, and I like Turturro. Box is just a fascinating character; Maybe it's just because we don't fully understand him yet, and there would be less intrigue in larger doses. I certainly hope we get more focus on his side of things, though.

If you hadn't been going on, we'd have heard that, big nose.

Yeah. The comment about it being her house… Seems like a motive, at least.

Dragon Age: Origins. I don't know if this is a common bug or just something that happened on my system, but I found that one of the quests in Lothering is infinitely repeatable, so I tend to exploit it for a 5-10 level boost for all of my characters plus a nice nest egg. Without doing that, the difficulty curve is

I figured it was just bit off by some Saigon whore.

Agreed. Until I read this:

Off-topic, but I need your gameological expertise:

We haven't seen Transporter 1 which means we'll be completely lost!

Guacamelee! Surprisingly entertaining game. I went in skeptical (despite my love of Mexican day of the dead culture), but the gameplay exceeded expectations. The varying shield types on enemies really force you to mix up your combat style and keep things fresh. I don't love the overly whimsical dialogue, but it's

It'll be a Roguelike weekend for me. I (sort of) beat Crypt of the Necrodancer last weekend with Cadence. But it was on a pure stage 4 run, so I still need to pull off an "all stages" run to feel like I've truly beaten it. I don't know if I'm all that eager to try out the other characters; Melody seems doable and Eli

If it's anything like #2, I'd say that combat is somewhat clunky (but by design), and there's a steep learning curve. What I mean by that first part is that you're not particularly agile, and momentum comes into play quite often. The best description I've read on that first note is that Geralt is "heavy".

HDMI cable + gamepad. Bam, it's just like console gaming. Only moddable and games are constantly on sale.

More importantly… Where the hell is the Blackfish? Man goes off for a piss and we don't see him for 2+ seasons?

I remember hearing from a book reader that apparently Stannis is known for having a pretty great sense of humor. That line was obviously a callback to his first scene on the show, but I'd pay to see more Stannis heckling at Night's Watch meetings.