Franchise Punter

I'd say Mike Tyson's Punchout because I've been consistently playing it for years, but I'm not delusional enough to believe that I'll ever actually beat it.

The Witcher 2 has some pretty despicable (albeit minor) villains. Henselt in particular for what he does to Roche's men.

Huh. It's not often that they throw in games you actually want in the bundle. That's temping… I just don't think I'd ever use it for anything beyond those two games. Maybe as a Netflix/HBO Go machine, I suppose.

I've had no issues using the PC Xbox One controller; the game plays very naturally. But I do find myself using tactical mode much less often than I did playing DA:O and DA2 with mouse/keyboard (which I imagine will come back to haunt me when I get to tougher fights). It's just a little bit tedious with a controller.

"You can really see Jack Nicholson's nose get sliced but that pedophile director."

Do we think this is a permanent PS4 exclusive? I thought I remembered the original Dark Souls being console-exclusive for a year or two (maybe it was longer) before they ported it over.

Fuck. Is that what's happening to me? Since I bought the original Dark Souls about two years ago, I've spent a few hundred dollars on new RPG-like releases that I was excited about and never managed to make it more than a few hours into them.

For the NES version, we had an official fold-out map of the entire world complete with out own sharpie notations. Every burnable bush and bombable wall was on there. And of course, directions for the lost woods.

As somebody whose work filter blocks Steam, I concur. Though I think it also makes the "Load more comments" button not work on Disqus, so this isn't ideal, either.

Could somebody point me to the corner of Fifth and Vermouth?

Prison. TES has it right. So much of the joy in RPGs is working your way up from the bottom of the totem pole, and it's hard to start much lower than shackles.

The fallacy of sunk costs, I suppose. I feel the need to get some satisfaction out of it after paying full price.

Pillars of Eternity! It should be downloaded and waiting for me when I get home today. And by some stroke of luck, the ladyfriend will have to work both days this weekend (I've offered some quality feigned outrage) freeing me up to pour hours and hours into it.

It's okay with me.

I was excited to do Kaathe for the Darkwraith Covenenant, and then I found out that you can't feed him items. Regret! I can't stand when my bottomless box gets too cluttered.

I need a palate cleanser to prepare myself for Pillars of Eternity (March 26th). I have a hard time playing isometric RPGs consecutively (currently working on a BG2 play-through), so I'll probably try a FPS for a change of pace. It's been years since I played Half Life 2, so that's an option. I never finished Metro:…

If I'm ever wealthy, I'm definitely going to officially refer to my butler as "you there!". He'll be overjoyed at the pittance I leave him.

The Jester's set from Dark Souls 2. Light, slim-fit, and protects you from fall damage.

I recall hearing that an IWD2 reboot was unlikely to happen due to the different rule set. It's a shame; I'd love to play it with some of the kits added in and some of the other touches of convenience.

Can you play it on a gamepad, or are you going mouse/keyboard while working out? I didn't notice it listed as gamepad compatible in my steam library, but it sort of seems like it should work.