Hmm. It's a bit boring isn't it? I was hoping for something otherworldly. But I guess that is the physical limitations of acoustics.
Hmm. It's a bit boring isn't it? I was hoping for something otherworldly. But I guess that is the physical limitations of acoustics.
Yeah it will probably work much better actually. A strong mule can carry close to 300 pounds, doesn't sound like a chainsaw about to explode, will eat anything and will supply you with enough semen to last several seasons of Fear Factor.
70741 1337 H4xX0r
What about the incredible instance where no Orcas are around? Who's the apex predator then? My bet would be on the biggest shark around. Jeez. What's your point anyway?
It seems people in Siberia just won't let their Nokia dumbphones go!? I mean they could just buy an iPhone for like 20.000 Rubles. What's the big deal?
Add a little Björk and we're there.
Here Burial is paired with The Machinist. I think something like this would be very powerful - and fresh. I would prefer instrumentals though.
I agree there are pitfalls to be avoided. It should never become a pastiche. But in my mind Vangelis' score is almost timeless. It still sounds more futuristic than anything used in SF movies from a later date (with the possible exception of a few of the segments in The Fifth Element).
That Blade Runner spin-off better think real hard about who should do the score. What Vangelis did with the original was nothing less than spectacular. I suggest a collaboration between Vangelis, Daft Punk and Cliff Martinez.
@Adrian Covert
The trees will reclaim this planet when we are but dusty motes on the wind.
I became a premium user the day Spotify was released in my country. It has completely changed the way I listen to music. Before I started using Spotify I either listened aimlessly on or scanned through my own 100 gigs collection. But I always listened to more or less the same stuff. Now I have access to almost…
But the audio quality is horrendous in most cases? Why not use Spotify and share it through that?
I agree that Spotify's mobile app has room for - serious - improvement. But to say that you wouldn't use it for free is just trolling. It does the job - badly yes - but it plays all the music in high quality. You can search and play your playlists. Increased functionality is needed, but to say it is utter shit is a…
Oh and no Rdio on my Squeezebox is a dealbreaker.
Higher quality than Spotify Premium's 320 kps? I doubt it. Wider selection? Debatable. Not in my case. Better organisation? Sure - hopefully this will change. And the last one? Mainstream music? That's just dumb - with the amount of music available through Spotify it is ridiculous to assert that the service is for…
That is possible with Spofity as well. You just choose an artist and create a radio station based on that artist. You can also install a app in Spotify to give you recommendation-based artists. With apps I can't see any of the other services competing.
Is it me or does the real Erin Brockovich actually look better than Julia Roberts these days?
Agreed. What a f*cking travesty. But extremely unsurprising.
It is true that Venus lacks an effective magnetic field - but we would be living in floating habitats anyway. With genetic manipulation and the right suits we could even venture outside once in a while. This is all wild speculation of course - but infinitely cheaper than terraforming Mars. Although I hope we do…