Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

I'm sorry but this is the most moronic SF film in years. Bad writing, bad plot and a hyper hammy perfomance by Guy Pearce. Waste of money that could have been spent so much better by a writer and director with a few braincells between them.

Now playing

Great modern representation of Flying Whales.

It must be sad living in fear.

Enemy Mine shouldn't be on this list. It is quite simply a great film.

A weak magnetic field isn't the only reason Mars hasn't got a thick atmosphere. It lacks enough mass to keep hold of an atmosphere. Over time it has lost what atmosphere it has - and it it still losing it. The magnetic field stops solar wind from tearing the atmosphere away, but the lack of mass is much more

I loved them. They are the closest modern fiction has ever come to replicating the tone and style of old viking sagas. (And I say that as someone who has read The New Sun, The Long Sun and The Short Sun trilogies several times.)

So the song is called "Swimming Pools (Drank)":

Bye. Say hello to the peeps at Engadget.

And exactly why does the Pope deserve our respect?

Couldn't agree more. The only thing that retracts the tiniest amount from the brilliance of the album is that it isn't actually recorded IN a diner. But man, what a fucking show.

I donate every month via Paypal. It's easy and they deserve it.

Not to drag this out, but why do you care?

But it isn't a NATO drone. It is designed and tested in the EU by EU states. What's the problem? Unless you personally designed it, there's no need to get a sense of ownership. Sharing between allies is a good thing.

What are you, twelve? Relations between the US and Europe are good ergo there is technology sharing. Not to mention there is a reason the X47b is designed like this as well: It is a good design for the purpose.

Are you trying to be funny? Here is a little light reading on the subject:

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You didn't get anything out of this article did you?

No. This is why no one likes Christians. They often lack a sense of humour.

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This. Watch this immediately.