Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

@Bos'un's Mate: Indeed he did. Maybe this is also what Hal saw when he was being turned off?

@Alasdair Wilkins: There is still uncertainty as to how viruses should be categorized. They are not quite "alive" as normally defined, but still "live" on the edge of life.

@Roklimber: You are my hero Roklimber, and I copy/pasted this the first time you posted it.

@truthtellah: Einstein did no such thing. When Einstein used the word "God" he meant the universe.

@Smeagol92055: You are a temporal optimist man! It's actually almost eight years old... :)

I remember watching this movie and being thoroughly amused and entertained. Yes it's quirky and a bit of a mess - but the great characters and weird (sometimes a bit weird for weirdness sake) setting makes up for all of it.

@bakana: How has this escaped me?? I am flabbergasted...

@cowboybebopfan: There are few credible studies which show that marijuana use leads to harder drugs. Actually a recent studies suggest the opposite.

@Vidikron: Modern farm animals don't naturally have bacteria in the meat. The bacteria comes from butchering the animals too quickly.

@judacris: Brannigan's Law is like Brannigan's love: hard and fast

@Captain_Tripps: And that's the thing: Why would aliens from outer space ever enter Earth's atmosphere, when they could just as easily eradicate us from orbit? Then when all infrastructure and tactical threats are eliminated, they move in and conquer.

Am I the only one who immediately thought of Jem?

@Cleesox: 30 seconds is max response time - against a weapon traveling at over 3000 kph, with minimal radar signature. Even the phalanx system would be hard pressed to deal with that.