Reminds me of the “Satanic panic” brought to you by the PMRC circa 1985.
Reminds me of the “Satanic panic” brought to you by the PMRC circa 1985.
Ah, I don’t see it as ageism. I see it as a topic of intriguing research on people of all ages. But yes, I agree that the mask exists.
It wouldn’t surprise me if such shifts had more to do with changes in brain structure as one ages.
Discovered him via a spotify weekly playlist. Really enjoyed The Atlantic Ocean and will probably enjoy checking out his other projects. Sad news.
I think he looks better with one. Rrrr, hi tiger.
I love the imagine of them bickering over that franchise app.
Beautiful. Thank you.
The Twitter replies have restored my faith in humanity by 4-6%.
Speaking of white supremacy shenanigans, here’s the DHS with a fun update on the 14 words (with a Hitler reference at the end that was absolutely intentional).
It might have been an urban legend, but there were rumors that he was an anti-Semite or anti-Israel that circulated in the pre-world wide web years. Never saw it substantiated, and I don’t put any stock in it, but it wouldn’t have been shocking.
I’ll quote a friend who summed it up better than I could:
I’ll quote a friend who summed it up better than I could:
Nice, thank you for this!
I can understand the hatred on a gut level. At a glance, depending on your age/tastes, Phil could have meant indulgent proggy meanderings with Genesis in the 70s or all their pop song videos in the 80s which looked and sounded much like his solo career videos. He had a bit of the smug bastard vibe seen also in Billy…
Phil Collins haters are lame. Glad he’s touring this fall.
Yeah Bateman’s skin care routine is, like everything else about him, extreme and unhealthy.
I think it will, because we actually read.
He commented elsewhere that “There’s a goddamn RICO case against all the Clintons, Brock, Soros, and a suite of other entities” is claims univision is somehow blocking this from being reported here. Thing is, RICO cases don’t mean anything.