
It’s intentional. And Miller relishes being heckled.

Now playing

I know Cball’s nutty but he got this sweet jam stuck in my head, so there’s some good from all this.

Thank you for posting that list. Interesting notes for some of them.

White, White, White, White, White.

Thank you for taking the time to gently destroy this idiot’s non-argument.

“Ah, citing the Bible verses that support our opinion in response to Republicans citing the Bible verses that support their opinion is good because bringing scriptural arguments to the table is definitely not ceding ground to the religious right and I hope everyone keep doing it. We should check the Bible when

Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can’t take it, and my heart is just going to cave in.

Me, late March: “It’s funnier than any sitcom I’ve seen in a while. It’s fast and witty. I thought it was sharp. It was hilarious and was not a pro-Trump platform. That’s like saying All In The Family is a pro-Nixon platform. Why can’t a show be about people?”

Me, today: “Dumb shit.”

This guy is awesome and I’m glad he’s being recognized and rewarded, but immigrants shouldn’t have to heroically rescue children to receive citizenship. They shouldn’t have to invent something or own a successful business or live an exceptionally newsworthy life.

I understand that outlook. You would think so. But there are too many factors involved to say decisively what they could/should have heard.

Thank you for the work you do.

They get my vote for worst 90s band. I had to hear that album several times on car trips to ultimate frisbee games (I know...), and I know it too well.

Now playing

New Order made the best/worst World Cup song because the lyrics sound like they were written by someone who doesn’t understand anything about sports. I love it.

Still waiting for Michael Cera to say the wrong thing and then double-down on it.

Am I alone in storing my passwords on flashcards in the top drawer of my dresser?

Carme down here to mention Deval, and then started wondering if Jason meant, in Georgia’s history.


Neat. I always wondered what they used in those situations.