Hi, I don’t understand a lot about our legal system. Can someone explain the whole revoking bail thing and why it’s done?
Hi, I don’t understand a lot about our legal system. Can someone explain the whole revoking bail thing and why it’s done?
Kanye has always been a bit of a dummy, and we ask too much from him if we expect anything more than the occasional decent album.
I didn’t realize it was him until he gets angry with Elizabeth Shue and points out his wedding band. Can’t find a clip of it online, unfortunately.
He would have been perfect.
I had no idea this was him.
I remember this well. At first, I was impressed with Drew because a few of the callers had been abused. Then I realized it was almost compulsive in the way he’d drop it into his line of inquiry, especially when it wasn’t accurate or relevant to the conversation.
Stiller was decent and DeNiro didn’t have to do any more than show up. But the writing was a bit weak, especially the bit with the code names.
Nice, will do!
My brother’s take on this movie:
Will do, and thank you for your thoughtful reply.
I don’t follow twitter consistently, and I would welcome links so that I may have a fuller sense of what’s going on.
And the fact that we knew she would simply double-down on her prior stance upon her return confirms that she is incapable of critical thinking and personal development.
I enjoy Fleetwood Mac from its late 60s incarnation through (some of) Tango in the Night. And this news has blown up my FB feed with passionate defenders and detractors. But I feel nothing about it emotionally because the cost of going to see FM live is out of my budget and perhaps they still perform well but it just…
For the majority of her songs, Christine had only one thing to say, but fortunately for us she did so beautifully.
Oh undoubtedly.
Hi there, thanks for adding me and for doing all that you do around here.
I posted initially to entertain myself, but as time passes I’m discovering more and more people I want to follow and exchange ideas with.
I agree. It’s not as though he’s telling his story to ensure massive book sales.