
That’s too broad. And he’s owning his jerk-ness in the article.

I posted the same thing but I remain in the greys. Leaving a voicemail on a work number asking for “an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband” was pretty rank attempt at diverting attention from the ethical concerns around her fundraising at that time.

I remember Ginni being a trashuman when she pulled the bizarre move of calling Anita Hill and leaving a request for “an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband” on Hill’s voicemail as a lame cover-up/attempt at distraction for a New York Times article published only hours

Me as well. Best of luck to you. I don’t think my colleagues (in pharma) truly grasp what we’re losing in the transition.

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I like her. I like that she takes challenging roles in unconventional movies. I also love the Drew Droege parody videos:

(I’m reposting this because kinja possibly ate my comment, and what I have to say is tasteful and relevant. Would love to be out of the grays someday.)

I hope Fontaine and his legal team are successful, but there may be problems with the approach they are taking:

I hope Fontaine and his legal team are successful, but there may be problems with the approach they are taking: 

“Because it includes so much background that isn’t directly related to the article about Fontaine, Ken White—a First Amendment litigator at Brown White & Osborn—said the suit could run afoul of Texas state

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I’d argue part of the realness comes from the compassion he has for the character. You can also see it in the Cathy/Kathy bits:

I think you missed Ed Markey from MA (unless my eyes missed that above).

It’s the first time I’ve heard this and I’m curious to learn more behind the rationale, partly because I’m keen to maintain best practices in my own writing but also because I’m confused.

For me, the great thing about that song is Rob Grange’s bass part. Ted was lucky to have worked with that early band.

Yeah, I’d want that shower as well. There’s no doubt that this news got the original posted video pulled.

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Damn, I went to check and now it’s blocked! New version here:

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It’s quite sexy, like being called a bastard.

“Strange, hearing Jesus Christ talk about Brylcreem.”

Do you mean where he rails against the evil of nuclear power at the party? I remember being moved by it as a kid but also thinking “if they put this entire bit into a movie, it would be wayyyyy too long.”

I did not know this. I’m late to reading up on a lot of these backstories but they’re always interesting considering how much this show was a great part of my youth.

I know, right?

John K and Billy West. I knew they had some falling out but the Stern video goes into their spat further.

For us. He did this all for us.

When he had interesting guests, he really excelled at getting them into a dynamic where they would open up about things they didn’t expect or want to talk about. I had entirely forgotten about the bad blood between John and Billy.