The Beans, Oh the Beans!

Diane Keaton was ever married and no one calls her an old maid. She does have two children though.

What outlet hasn't done this?

Clooney has outright said he is going to be a bachelor. I share his beliefs on marriage (it's not for me) and I get it. Jennifer Aniston has never claimed to be a confirmed bachelorette. No one calls Diane Keaton a sad old maid even though she hasn't been married at all.

Personally (I can't speak for Jezebel) I am disgusted by the hate talk on both sides, but it seems more prominent on the right than the left. I can't get behind anyone spewing baseless hate on any candidate.

Stop using that Malarley gif!!!! It almost gave me a seizure! Seriously, I had to put my hand over it to read that paragraph.

Part of my job is SEO and managing online reputations from what I know the main reason that her picture shows up right now is because this case is fresh. Things might be different a year from now, if they hire someone to manage their reputations online. Of course if either of these assholes approached me about

I get what you're saying. I understand what she was going for but you're right, it wasn't executed well.

I agree, i was talking more about the tone and what she was going for. They aren't even close when it comes to results. I think her heart is in the right place though.

You have a point with #2 and #3 but I think you're being a bit judgmental about #1. I am always always ALWAYS safe. I saw a family friend die of AIDS when I was 13 (well before I started having sex of any kind) and that stuck with me. That being said I have had my fair share of one night stands. I don't remember all

I think it's supposed to be similar to Dan Savage, serious advice mixed with a lot of satire and humour. I understood where she was kidding and where she was giving real advice.

I liked this. It reminded me of Dan Savage a bit. Humorous and irreverent but also honest.

I had a guy I used to hook up with I called Sweaty McHairyBalls. I did know his name because it was a friends with benefits thing though and despite the nickname he was pretty good in the sack so I kept him around for a while.

I get what you're saying. I have to say though, at least for me, I would be much more likely to send my daughters to a school where rapes occasionally happened and they were dealt with quickly and effectively rather than a school where rumors abound and it gets swept under the rug.

This is a really beautiful way to look at it. Thank you. I've had people tell me the same thing as the OP and I have never been able to so eloquently say how I feel.

I think it is reinforcing a stereotype. I know plenty of dudes who used to think that once a woman had a baby her vagina became a gaping canyon never to be repaired. Obviously child birth takes a toll both physically and emotionally and of course each woman's experience is somewhat different, but the idea that a

I think we have the same SIL, lol!

I thought WW was pretty safe for type 2 diabetes. I used to work with a woman who had that and she was very successful with WW under her doctor's supervision.

I hate the gym! So boring! I recently move back to NYC from the suburbs. It was mostly for work, but I could have commuted. The deciding factor was that I would have places to walk without having to drive 20 minutes. I've lost more weight in the last 4 months than I did in the year before that. I love to walk or even

I have no judgment for the money she spent (it's her hard earned money) or the methods she used (they seem pretty run of the mill). What does annoy me is the hateful, body shaming tone she took on in the last paragraph.

I know. I think the line about how Kourtney Kardashian and Betheny Frankel's tits are fucked up. Maybe that's wishful thinking on the author's part, but if you gain a healthy amount of weight you can come out of pregnancy looking basically the same. Especially if you have good genetics. My tatas look better now after