
But how will we ever know if Levar Burton and his non-celebrity companion are safe?

Reese answers only to Reese. Laura Jeanne answers to Laura Jeanne and tequila shots.

Reese sniffs at your impertinence and gives you a withering glance. Laura Jeanne takes you outside and shows you what atrocious REALLY means (right after she looks it up on her iPhone).

Reese speaks a myriad of languages, including perfectly accented French. Laura Jeanne pronounces all the letters because THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR.

Reese wouldn't deign to use swear words. Laura Jeanne will fucking fuck your shit the fuck up.

That's not Reese. That's Laura Jeanne.

That isn't Orwell because it's Elias Koteas holding a puppy in The Spanish Civil War. Obviously.

Can't be Orwell because it's Elias Koteas holding a puppy. Obviously.

According to this article Kliph Scurlock has confirmed he was fired for denouncing Christina Fallin and Pink Pony.

Christina is grounded from doing photo shoots at the Governors Mansion for a week. Mary means BUSINESS.

Their response when people didn't take kindly to this post was one word: "baa"

It's an election year. Just like Mary Fallin signing the law that says cities can't raise the minimum wage or offer vacation days or refusing the ACA Medicaid expansion she's pandering. Though I must admit to a bit of schadenfreude at the thought of her gritting her teeth at having to issue that statement.

White people are entitled to act in self-defence when they're being attacked.

The Pink Pony story isn't over. I believe it's going to grow, especially in light of their well known supporter, The Flaming Lips front man Wayne Coyne.

You just know that #cancelcolbert is calling this a win on Twitter.

Shh. You be quiet while I'm honoring you!

Logically, having seen my sister put herself through hell trying to make elite, I get what you're saying. The judges love the classic routines and the long, lithe lines.

I am so glad that you exist to enlighten us all with your completely well reasoned and absolutely well written commentary. I am so impressed, as a matter of fact, that I'm going to start an indiegogo campaign to raise money to buy The Indians and honor you by renaming them the Sixth Grade Dropout Inbred Honkies. I

This has to be said: Can we Natives maybe just back up for a minute and stop crucifying our allies for using humor to point out the inherent racism in these mascots? Yes, it blows that we are still subjected to Chief Wahoo and The R*dskins but our hashtags and examples and asking for it to change has barely even made