Alex Franklin

They drank Blood Lite, obviously.

Leprosy hadouken takes to long to recharge compared to the dps it does, more efficient to stick with standard kicks and punches to stunlock the infidels

Seeing Bernie Sanders laugh hysterically has almost certainly added another year onto my life.

the heck is a pizzagate

It's actually really fun, I've seen a bunch of his YouTube stuff. Love that squeaky-voiced smartass.

What world do we live in that "wonk" is a word

“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the

I take my turtle to the vet occasionally, and he says the simplest way to look in his mouth is to make my turtle try to bite him. So he pokes him in the spaces right next to the base of his little neck, which gets him SUPER angry and hissy.

stop it, stop it now, I'm dying

He did feel distinctly Ricknmortier this time.

I heard they ARE planning to use her again, but like Millie (until her appearance here, I guess?) they want to only use her for big story episodes centered on her character.

I mean, I've seen more evidence that he might be trans than gay myself.

Yeah, whatever happened with Teddy and Helen? I had high hopes for that sad sack and crazy murderer.

I find it entirely possible that this crowd consisted of mainly people who were so excited at the prospect of playing their favorite characters that they never really considered how many characters had lives they really WOULDN'T enjoy having.

VGcats won my love forever when they described Family Guy as "That show that's not Bob's Burgers."

He should've made a reference to those pot farmers he worked for.

You know, I really didn't think Lemongrab could've gotten ANY more unsettling. Then I saw what I can only assume is the trickster mode version of him.

Waitwaitwait waaaaiiiiit. Is that happening? Infinity Train? We're getting an Infinity Train show??

He's like a reverse Bojack Horseman!