
Wow.  I wish my penis was this smart.

"Likes" all around, my friends!

Pegasus, Or: Why Michael Pillar Cracks Up at Commercials for Orbit Gum

Oh, man.  Here's hoping "Tweedle-Deeish" doesn't become a thing.

Gambit Part One

Sometimes It's Best to Keep It Simple

Hah!  "The Core-Beard-Might Maneuver."  I like it.  It sounds like it'd require a lot of stomach muscles.  

Second Chances?

I'm totally drunk, so take this for what it's worth, but I think it was a Buster Keaton impression.

I'm really drunk, but I think you put the words you want in italics in between < i > and < / i > only without the spaces I included there so they wouldn't vanish and just italicize and .

Gotta admit, that was pretty good.

This happened to me, too.  It's gonna really confuse people on the TNG boards if it happens.  

Seriously?  That's pretty funny right there.



Or "scotch?"

Damn, Trekinosis… you drank three and your stomach contents are still largely intact!? Instead of buying you another round, how 'bout I buy you a box of Rolaids Soft Chews?

Nah, she had self-esteem issues, sadly. Although they were pretty much Edward James Olmos-specific; last I heard, she got a passport for the sole purpose of hitting on Jamie Bamber.

Hah! Now that you mention it….

I'm not proud of this exactly, but the first time he was in an episode I went up to him and asked him about being on Match Game '73. Did this twice before he finally said he was *Robert* Reilly, not the other guy.