
Oh shit, did I say Conroy? Goddamn it, that's what I get for being late and too far into a bottle of Laphroaig. Meant Conway, obviously.

Nice one, Wesley! And now I want Tastycakes.

Method Man
Kevin Conroy was in "Rightful Heir" as Kahless the Unforgettable, and hoboy did he ever try to live up to that name. You gotta look out for Method guys sometimes. When we were done shooting for the day and headed for the bar, Conroy decided to stay in character. For him, this meant acting boisterously

It's tough to eat too much cherry pie. But it's a problem when it happens because then I can't move my jaw for days.

Barkeep! Another Flaming Doctor for E. Buzz! Nicely done, sir. Makes me feel good to see other people 'doing the Frakes' like the old days.

Oh man, Raymond. Nice. I especially liked "She had to get reconstructive surgery done on her large intestine, and a second, more invasive procedure to remove the baby octopus…." I nearly choked on an ice cube there.

As I've always stated on my avatar page, I'm not really Jonathan Frakes!

Is That Really a Song Title?
I've hooked up with a few girls who were into Dirty Rain. It's good to have large plastic sheets handy.

I worked my ass of in Frame of Mind
[takes drink] So much so, in fact, that I didn't drink *or* sleep with anybody during production! It really helped me look crazed, you know?

Starship Mine
[takes drink]Yeah, the Die Hard episode. Hmmm. Not a whole lot happened around that time; I was still recuperating from the DeLancie/Cromwell visit. I was barely in the ep, and we had to wait all the time while they changed the lighting because the ship's lights were supposed to be off according to the

True story: I was at a club in Bulgaria, perusing their list of shots, and discovered that whoever wrote the list thought a "Slippery Nipple" was called a "Slipper and Nipple." For some reason I thought this was hilarious. It was probably the oxycontin.

drdarkeny - Celibacy!? Good GOD no. It's just that no matter how loudly I say "for a couple days" they always hear "for as long as you want." It ends up crimping my style, you know?

Delancewell? Cromlie? Continued
Hope you're feeling better this week, Zack. When we last spoke, DeLancie was in town for "Tapestry," James Cromwell came early for "Birthright" and we partied every night for two weeks (whereupon we mistook Alexander Siddig for a female extra). A bunch of women had moved into

That was fantastic, Stan! What're you drinking, scotch? Lemme buy the next round.

Thanks, Mrs. Peel!

Cromlie? DeLancewell? Whatever…
I gotta mention "Birthright Part 1" a little bit, mainly because James Cromwell appears in that ep along with some DS9 folks and they showed up early while DeLancie was still in town. If you ever need to completely forget a couple weeks AND empty your bank account, go out with John

Name of the Enemy
"Face of the Enemy," oh yeah. Lemme tell you some great things about Carolyn Seymour, the actress who played Romulan Commander Toreth: (1) she's a very considerate and professional performer. (2) She takes every part seriously, even if she has to be covered in alien makeup for it. (3) She has no gag

Mom's Apple Pie
I can't believe nobody's mentioned Mom's Apple Pie, although maybe everybody's just as perverted as I am and thinks it's awesome. [takes drink]

By Burton's Beard!
This may sound crass, but it's an unavoidable truth: there is no elegant way to toss a man's salad. There, I've said it. [takes drink] But if someone *could* do it, it would be Ellen Bry, who played Doctor Farallon in "Quality of Life." I've had a thing for Ellen since she was on St. Elsewhere in

Did you miss my story? There… were… FIVE… Hookers!!