
Thanks so much for the kind words, Cookie! Have some milk on me… or afterhours are you a scotch drinker?

Exhausted? Why yes I was…
"Schisms." Man, that was a fucked-up episode. I faced a fucked-up situation the weekend before shooting too, thanks to Braga. Brannon Braga introduced me to his neice Amanda and her four friends who were visiting from Florida. Braga asked me to show them around town, and at first I thought

Eponymous, the problem is *I can't remember* what happened to Dorn. The best I could do was mention him in the haiku because I dimly recall there was something wrong with his pants. I think they caught on fire. But I can't be sure because I usually shout "Liar!" whenever that happens. Plus, I didn't see Dorn at

Oh man, I'd forgotten about the scratches! That was so hot. I had to hide a lot of hard-ons that week—there was that animalistic scratching scene, and then another during the scene where I walk in on you and the young guy (I'm supposed to be acting distressed over Troi's behavior, but I couldn't get "threeway!" out

My Jimmy Doohan Story
James Montgomery Doohan. [takes drink, solemnly] Holy fuck. We (Spiner, Dorn, James Doohan and myself) went out for drinks after shooting wrapped on "Relics" and I figured I'd take it easy—you know, just hang out for a while and listen to Doohan tell stories about the good ol' days. But Jimmy

Of course I've engaged in this, so:

Season 6!
"Time's Arrow Part 2" was the first episode of season 6, right? I started that season in hot water because I didn't get back to the States in time. [takes drink]

Sorry about the, ah, "length" of this one…
Generations, oh man. [takes drink] First of all, they decided we needed new uniforms but didn't want to PAY for new uniforms, so they gave me Avery Brooks' DS9 outfit. Apparently, Brooks was tortured on the rack as a child, because the sleeves on his uniform were TWICE THE

Thanks Mrs. Peel, you gorgeous superspy, you! So are you and John Steed seeing each other exclusively, or…?

Can I nominate blowjobs as the topic for next week?

The thing that surprises me is that O'Neal chose as his favorite music year a year when he could still shit himself in public and not get in trouble for it. If it comes off as boring it's only because O'Neal didn't actually experience 1979 except at the level of pants shitting and titty sucking.

Damn straight, Zuckuss. Women tend to really dig professions that involve working with animals unless the word "bestiality" somehow appears in the job description. Kevin James, on the other hand… even I couldn't help him get laid.

Don't read too much into this because I've had 8 scotches already, but you're pretty.

[takes drink]

You shouldn't need props.
So after a day of interior shots on "Time's Arrow," some of the cast went over to a watering hole on Melrose. Spiner came with and he's carrying this bag. He won't tell us what's in the bag. Back then, Paramount was also shooting the last season of "MacGyver," and we ran into some of the

I am waaaay too drunk to contribute to this thread.

The Marmaduke riff made me laugh so hard I spilled my scotch. I suppose they didn't want to repeat themselves, but they could've done "Chances it'll be better than The Smurfs."

Yeah, that's a good… HEY!

Wow, that really is one HELL of a mustache.

So here's a question
Does anybody think a major studio would greenlight a movie like "Something Wild" today? At the time it came out, Demme wasn't well known, the actors were known but weren't big "names" yet, and it has that dark final act. It may be the scotch talking, but I don't think anybody would do it today.