
Don’t call me Shirley.

Consider? Might? Hello? This was firmly established common knowledge way, way before he ever ran. Dotard Nation believes he’s “smart” because he says he is, that’s all.

You have it all wrong. This will be the new Fiero.

I think it looks okay, just needs more vents in the front bumper.

For sale: 1 full set, King remote reservoir shocks. There is already a car installed on them, I’ll throw it in with the purchase.

Everyone, including Mitsubishi & FCA

The decorations are fine, the GM cars are what are bad.

Considering most polls have him in the low 30s, I’d say this one is an outlier. Much like Trump himself, who is an out-and-out liar.

Let’s face it, it’s not close to the dumbest thing Americans have done since last November 7th.

Because this is how we make America great again.

If I had a dollar for everytime someone said “If it had a manual I would buy a used one in 5 years,” I would buy a used one in 5 years.

Yeah, that’s the thing, though.

i don’t want my cool car with a fun motor to be less distracting

“If it had a manual I would by a used one in 5 years”

No one’s saying modern autos are bad, just that manuals are still way more fun! Even in cities, though I know many wouldn’t agree.

“Behaved inventively.” As in, when you wrote the text of this non-apology apology?

...also compared to the Yaris.