
Don’t call me Shirley.

Consider? Might? Hello? This was firmly established common knowledge way, way before he ever ran. Dotard Nation believes he’s “smart” because he says he is, that’s all.

You have it all wrong. This will be the new Fiero.

Give him a break. A St. Petersburg* winter does funny things to the brain…

Oh, come on, cut Haloguy628 some slack. He posted in 2013, went silent and then started up again this year. He obviously had to deal with some hardcore cancer treatment or had to pull some time for a felony. Personally, I think he has to alert his neighbors with children at this point, but it is really just a guess.

I think it looks okay, just needs more vents in the front bumper.

CNN is still considered a reasonably reliable source of news by people who live on Earth-616. Yes, their editorial policy does lean slightly toward mainstream liberalism, just like the Wall Street Journal’s editorial policy leans toward mainstream conservatism; however, that does not affect their journalistic

This is excellent satire. Although if you really wanted to sell it you should’ve fit in a ‘snowflake’ or ‘cuck’ somewhere.

You are absolutely insane.

For sale: 1 full set, King remote reservoir shocks. There is already a car installed on them, I’ll throw it in with the purchase.

Everyone, including Mitsubishi & FCA

The decorations are fine, the GM cars are what are bad.

Considering most polls have him in the low 30s, I’d say this one is an outlier. Much like Trump himself, who is an out-and-out liar.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

Let’s face it, it’s not close to the dumbest thing Americans have done since last November 7th.

Because this is how we make America great again.

Yeah, that’s the thing, though.