
“It has been said on this very website that big, dominating infotainment screens are terrible, ugly and a pain in the ass. They effectively block your view and the design is usually lazy: stuck on top of everything like an afterthought”

Oh, like the one in the Miata

Doesn’t seem like they had...

...does that mean he’s not coming on then?

I am almost 100% certain it’s a VW Jetta. My neighbor owns one and it looks pretty much identical. The taillights, headlights, wheels, overall shape and chrome window trim are a dead giveaway.

old muscle cars from the ‘90s

Now playing

Would you rather a man who defines the term “southern boy” tell you?

Following up with the interstate theme:

No, dammit. If the lane ends in 1 mile, there is NO reason for you to merge over 1 mile early. Everyone just drove at the same damn speed, then zipper merged, it would not create as much traffic. So, instead, you have a 3 mile backup because everyone immediately dives in to the open lane as soon as they see that the


turn into the closest lane. I feel as if i’m the only one who does this.

The answer is, and indeed shall forever be, zipper merge. Go to the merge point, people. Don’t merge before that, you dolts.

Signal prior to turning, not during.

Keep right except to pass. (Even if there are 3 or more lanes, stay to the right, not the middle.)

omg plz leave

The hell year did they film this in? 1993? And with what a lite-brite? Jesus H.


Yes! That’s what I was missing when I owned my Honda. The loving abuse of strangers.

It wasn’t so long ago that major US brokerage houses were busted levied a miniscule fine while admitting no wrongdoing for gaming the mortgage backed securities market and completely decimating the world economy to the tune of millions of jobs and over 22 trillion dollars. The criminals in that country wear suits and