

I can’t really bitch about someone being pedantic on my pedant rant, but I was speaking to the simile, not the actual engine behavior. Hence the phrase “feel like the car has a turbo.” Still not turbo lag, or an accurate simile. Turbo lag is not the state of being outside of the power band. It is the delay it takes

simple solution: never go below 4100 RPMS!

You misunderstand the AE-86 purpose. Forced induction is the last it needs.

Viktor Vaughn is my personal fave.

I’m sad how far down I had to scroll to find a mondial. What is the Jalopnik community coming to?

Easy Answer:

You’re a highly polluting death trap.

In case anyone was wondering about the Spanish being spoken, he’s saying:

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

The Supra front end was unique and stretched out to fit inline 6 engines. The Celica had a shorter front, and either flip-forward lights, or flip-ups with black trip around the headlights

Are you an L-Type person or a P-Type person?

It’s not going away anytime soon. Your country elected an inept idiot that will impact many aspects of our world whether you like it or not - technology and science included. Please, don’t ignore or downplay this and make the Divided States of Trump the new norm.

I wholeheartedly disagree. They’ve made exactly one good ad.

Oof. So you’re just a coward. “Not my fault lol I voted for the guy who openly didn’t know shit about foreign policy.”