
AFAIK, Acura is forcing people to do this. Or at least select dealers; I know a few people who have been driving rentals for 4-6 months while their Acuras sit in front of their homes (the dealers cannot keep every vehicle they’ve sold over the past several years on their lots). It was not left up to the customers, and

That would make perfect sense... R is next to 1 on period gearboxes from Mercedes...

Do you even drive, bro?

So what? He loooooves all the hate, even encourages it...

Nobody forced you to click the clearly titled blog post, but you did. And commented. Good for you.

haaahahaha, srsly?

Why can’t generic people enjoy driving too? BMW buyers could choose to buy a Lexus or an Audi... But they chose to buy the BMW. Doesn’t that say something about them; aside from the obvious facts that they don’t know what a turn signal is for and will always park like asshats?


Do Bentley buyers really want carbon fiber bits on their cars- or does someone at the company just have a sense of humor?

Yes, feminism has nothing to do with equality. Oh wait, no, that’s literally like the one thing that is has to do with.

Exactly! I thought it was only here in the states that a woman can make an uncorroborated allegation of sexual misconduct years after the fact and destroy a man’s reputation.

It’s a legitimate question.

Not to discredit the merit of your questioning, but if the allegations are true, who cares? That’s what I don’t understand.

Not sure if Cosby fan or Trump supporter.


“Things have gone from bad to extremely worse for Chris Evans, who announced his resignation from Top Gear earlier today.”

“Things have gone from bad to extremely worse for Chris Evans, who announced his resignation from Top Gear earlier today.”

F***; that’s awesome. I will only play Frolic during the Chris Evans segments from here on out.

This post is is a very good post.