
Agreed, but then so does any “lane-watch/assist” and “adaptive cruise control” ... heck, even “automatic transmission” (if you’re a Jalop, that is). Ironically, these are “safety features”..!

Was the truck at fault?


When they’re done, the Reveros will look and drive a lot like their predecessor Karmas. Though the new car will have its own front and rear fascia design, it will be powered by the same engine and same A123 battery...

I dig it. Everything except the gaudy-ass lights.

Nothing against the hosts, but the show was pretty awful and unwatchable (IMO). It was terribly produced and written, a good idea turned into pure reality garbage. It was not a program for actual enthusiasts; it was “Top Gear” in name only.

I mean, it’s ugly... but in the BEST way.

Throw him in jail? Seems legit.

Quick, somebody get Doug— sliding doors! The future has sliding doors!

TIL Honda still makes the CR-Z.

underrated comment.

Thanks for answering! This puzzled me for months, [though not enough to actually look it up] but it makes total sense.


It’s hilarious how loud that garbage truck is.

It only says the car comes with the original wheel (in the context of it having a 100% original interior), it does not [necessarily] say the Momo wheel is not included... Regardless, it isn’t very specific, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions based on graverobber’s quote. It might come with both.

Hmm. I know you’re quoting graverobber here, but it actually doesn’t say that in the ad; it says the original wheel is included. I probably have too much faith in people, but to me that reads as the new owner gets *both* steering wheels...?

Someone cuts you off. You honk at them. They gesture towards you. You gesture back. They stop their vehicle in the middle of the road and shoot you with their gun.

Once again, Rory is the only natural host of the bunch and they’ve stuck him (and Harris) on the after-show. I thought it was a little better this week. The SUV bit worked better than anything they tried last week; having the miscellaneous celebs helped overcome certain personalities... It was still awkward, but not

Top Gear USA got much better when they stopped caring about copying the Brits beat-for-beat