
No fucking way. Don’t see too many of these anymore but I was following a black one on my drive home this very afternoon...completely and utterly transfixed on its rear hump. I hate that hump, but I fucking LOVE it.

No; the X1/9 is amazeballs. There could only be something wrong with you if you DIDN’T want a classic Bertone like this for sub-$5000.

No, this is not a thing that happened.

...on what is otherwise a very handsome SUV.

He drives for Ferrari— he’s experienced a fire or two-hundred before. Just another boring day at work.

That’s not the way economy of scale works. The more versions of a car there are, the more target markets they can hit for the same (and most expensive) initial investment in the main platform of the car.

Economy of makes a significant difference.


You’re my hero. Nice fleet.

What a strange little beast..!

Dang. I really want to get one of these. Mostly so I can paint teeth on that wierd black bumper trim.

If there were multiple versions or if it were higher trim, it would cost significantly more. Thus also, limiting the target audience. It’s a bang-for-buck car, it comes [pretty much] one damn way and it’s great for what it is.


Dang. Initially read ‘hardtop’ as coupe not convertible... Now I’m sad.

At the end of the day, it’s really just about fashion (appearance). Minivans are “uncool” like mom-jeans and dad-jokes are uncool. Anything that communicates “family” or “parent” is uncool by default.

If you brake check someone, f*ck you.


