
Okay. PLEASE can you guys stop doing that horrid editing tactic [playing quotes at the start of the video and then playing the same quotes two minutes into the video]. There is no commercial break to necessitate a half-hearted attempt to hook viewers to stick around, and it benefits no one. I get that you’re

To describe something as “under-designed” that has had careful and precise attention paid to it comes off as semi-insulting. I think you were going for minimalist or some other synonym, which may have sounded kinder in the piece.

Cool story, Hansel.

Ohh yeah. So real. I definitely believe this 100%. No doubt.

Dammit, how am I grey on truck yeah but clear for Jelopnic!? That’s some bullsh*t right there.

I’m not a truck guy, but damn if these jeep *concepts* (?) aren’t stealing my heart.

To be fair, you’re leaving out the packaging, any marketing cost, the stocking/shipping, as well as the initial time created to draw the files (*design-royalty*). Yes, it is way overpriced, but you’re oversimplifying it slightly.. How many products that you buy have the same or similar profit margins..? Probably more

I’ve never seen a couple cows moove so fast!

Well.. it ain’t pretty...

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing!

eyyyyy, Jersey!

you’re doing it wrong.

you’re the worst.

10/10. would star again.

Handcrafted license plate: God damned hipster. But was it gluten-free? Kids these days...

Okay, I had to go back to the original article to confirm, because no fucking way was that photo real...the photograph of the two gentlemen in the Bugatti Chiron tees...

Corvette wins— until I saw the interior shots. Can I get the Corvette with the seats from the 911R?

Easy. Chiron.

Only 8900? NP; all damn day.
