
Literally nothing they are doing is against twitch policies. If you don't like it, don't watch.

Captain America got me invested by selling Steve Rogers, and made the interconnected MCU work by having a Captain America people could believe in at face value.

Her accent wasn’t randomly on and off, it was at very specific moments, and they even shined a light on it.

I’m sorry but what innovations are on the PS5 vs the PS4 besides the controller? I would argue that the same upgrades you see on the PS5 from the PS4 are similar to the same upgrades you see from the Xbox One to the Xbox Series systems.

because there is nothing exciting coming out for the Xbox.”

Sony and Nintendo try to innovate, with more or less success, with each console generation...”

This reads as working incredibly hard to shit-talk xbox for no reason.

Why do they need to be mutually exclusive? What’s wrong with offering the ability to play old games and new games? Why are Sony fans so dense?

There’s still a good section of the original Xbox catalog that is near impossible to play on modern hardware. The Xbox 360 games are nice and all, but I’m not gonna pat them on the back just yet.

Nintendo has been running, pretty much the same platform from the game cube through the wii-u. which is why those systems were BC with the prior ones. Until the Switch and the complete change in platform.

This just isn’t true at all. The PS4 was no more innovative than the Xbox One (arguably its primary success driver, at least in the early years, was actually that it did less to try and innovate relative to the prior generation). The PS5 is no more innovative than the Xbox Series X, perhaps aside from the controller

Yeah, I can definitely support the claim that Nintendo innovated with the Switch, but I can’t really name what innovation Sony did with the PS5. It’s just a more powerful console. There’s hardly anything there that excuses them from supporting backward compatibility.

Lmao and yet people buy those consoles, so there is demand.

Not only can you boot up an old game like Oblivion and stream it to your phone, but it also retains your old save information from back when you were playing it on your Xbox 360. Microsoft is juicing these old games with convenience features that hadn’t even really been conceived of when they were launched.

Considering the reason for the Windows operating system’s success has been its incredible backwards compatibility, this doesn’t surprise me. Microsoft has the institutional knowledge on how to really make backwards compatibility work, and it’s only gotten easier for them as the Xbox these days is more or less just

Thanks for this, I really think we need to be talking about this far more than we have been. It’s a complete joke that soon the only legal way to play Suikoden 2, one of the most decorated RPGs of all time, outside of owning the disc for $100+, is going to be completely gone, and even THAT method was insufficient. I

The thing about serialized storytelling in television, and especially in Star Trek, is that if you do it as “A ten hour movie!”, you’re doing it wrong. Tv shows are a distinct format from movies, and shouldn’t follow the movie model, for the same reason that movies should not adopt the training times of seasons of

Star trek was NEVER about social justice in the sense an SJW proposes. Instead, it was about an idea that humans would learn to deal with each other in a more thoughtful way, and approach problems primarily through the application of reason and compassion rather than blasting people to smithereens from the word go. It

Exactly. “Miserable nihilistic slog” is not what I want when I’m watching something that purports to be Star Trek.

Yeah, you’re very right about that, and it’s always extremely annoying.