
Why spend money on a PC when I can drop $500 on a box that does the same stuff, is easier to use, more portable, and comes in one neat little package that easily fits in an entertainment center? I guess if you already have a decent PC there’s little reason to bother, if you don’t, or your PC is aging, both the Series

The issue there is I have to nagivate menus to load a game, with a mouse and keyboard from 12 feet away on my 55inch TV. No thanks.
I’d much rather pick up a controller, turn on my console and load up my save file from the cloud and be in my game within seconds.

Cause as the writer said in the article.
There’s a benefit of being able to move from one device to another.
Most people keep their PC at a desk and eventually at some point, most users will want to get up and maybe play on the couch for a while, or play in bed a bit before sleeping.
The Xbox environment lends itself

Oh we are too, but southern WV is not only a Trump stronghold (and by extension a stronghold for ignorance), but a gun ownership stronghold.

well considering Mitch McConnell lost his majority title...

stop comparing teraflops. That number does not necesarily indicate raw power. Digital Foundry did a video comparing the arhitecture  used by AMD in current gen with Navi which techinacally is used in PS5 and series x and there was a pretty huge difference despite the numbers being technically the same

I don’t have much that runs off AA’s anymore. Haven’t in years. It’s the Xbox controller for my gaming PC and I’m pretty sure my mouse’s internal better is just an eneloop. At least the last one was. Maybe a flashlight somewhere.

But that doesn’t make the controller’s AAs an issue. I just bought a 4pk of eneloops with

The PS5 is either going to be a little less or a little more powerful than the XBOX Series X, but nothing jaw dropping on either end of the spectrum. The rumor I have heard is that Sony is trying to tweek some final software/firmware adjustments to squeeze a little more juice out of it, but they are not going to come

Yeah, this. I came here to make the same point about the conflation being made here, but you said it well. It’s easy to shit on Instagrammable plant walls as a foil for our country’s shameful lack of actual systemic, affordable healthcare, but given that we *do* have that hole in our system and we ain’t fixing it

i would pay 500 a year if I didn’t have to deal with the shity PCPs around me and could get same day appointments.

Supplemental private insurance to actually receive decent care is common in countries with socialized medicine.  Single payer could certainly deliver “a” level of care to everyone but in no way is it “the” level of care.  Money buys you better care and, short of making doctors and nurses slaves, there does not seem to

That’s great that you got the raise you were entitled to! Did you ask for a raise before looking for a new job? Since it sounds like you didn’t want to leave, asking for raises and bonuses that you feel you deserve is important, especially since you were able to document the extra work you were doing.

Eh. Unions CAN be a good thing.   A properly run union that legitimately watches out for its employees long term interests, yes.  But they’re just as vulnerable to being corrupted as a corporate system and the blanket statement that they're universally good leaves a lot to be desired.

I’ve had Win10 since 2016 and have had nothing go wrong with it whatsoever for the record? I used the Free Upgrade Period to upgrade to it directly from Windows 7 (which I had also had no issues at all with).

I do agree that their support options are garbage though.

I actually just don't play free-to - play mobile games cause I dislike the monetization model. Of the games you've mentioned, the only one I've gotten into is Overwatch. When it launched, I vowed I'll never spend a penny on the microtransactions and I'm happy to say that over three years later I've kept that promise.

I think that’s unfair, given that it’s remarkably easy to get the cosmetics you want just by playing. I think most people with a couple hundred hours on the game are essentially sitting on mounds of gold, ready to buy whatever cosmetic they care about next.

I do think it helps to understand the fundamentals of how it works, but then again, I think that's what keeps a lot of people from getting started, too. Before I got into it, I remember thinking I had to completely understand how all of that functioned. It seemed like it'd take years of research before I could start

Well, I think both are important. You should at least understand the fundamentals of what you're doing—but you're right, human nature can really throw a wrench into things! It's the reason that people sell all their investments when the market's bad, even though that's the opposite of what you want to do! It's about a

Agreed, great article. I'm even comfortable with not including the due diligence part. Like the rest of human nature, there's the tendency to exaggerate personal input/decisions when times are good, and to minimize when we screw up. So "set it and forget it" helps to take the "smartest guy in the room" trap out of the

Great article! However I would also add one key step: Exercise due diligence. Whether making decisions on your own or taking the advice of a financial adviser, exercising due diligence ensures that any step you make is an informed step in the direction you choose to take.