
No, she hasn't tried to disenfranchise anyone. That's a bald faced lie. There is NOTHING unethical about accruing any a!mount of money. If it's done honestly--and hers absolutely has-- it's 100% legitimate. 

Bye, cuntrag

You understand nothing. She's NEVER called for anyone to be wiped out. Not once. 

Not really. Switch missed holidays by 3 months and has absolutely CRUSHED PS4, PS5, Xb1 and Xbox Series S|X.

That’s fanboys and their childish “console war” nonsense for you. Too dumb to realize it’s about *profitability*, not “we’re number one!” dickwaving.

True, but given that's the case, there's a very reasonable chance switch's successor will land with a new Mario flagship title in tow. 

Yep. Plus they’re within spitting distance of takimg the best selling consoles of all time position from PS2. Another year and a quarter of switch sales before the next console comes out will get them there (or damn close to it), and they can coast across that finish line with little to no worries, further cementing

Still lying, huh? Don't you have anything beyond your own hate to keep you company? 

Actually, every single trans person I know says the claim she's transphobic is bullshit. But keep going, hatemonger! You're just another variant of Donald Trump. 

Still lying? Really? Don't you ever get tired of being a vile, hate-filled lying troll? 

Not at all. In fact, I have had relationships with trans people, both mtf and ftm. But by all means, keep telling lies, you pathetic little troll. 

Nope, has nothing to do with all lives matter. The only fool here is you. You’re ignorant of basic history and philosophy, you twist words to try and make them mean what you WANT them to mean instead of what they actually do, and you spew vile hate in every post.

Nope, but unlike you, I’ve actually read her ACTUAL WORDS instead of some insane blogger’s bullshit interpretation.

As I said: ALL forms of irrational discrimination are vile. It makes no difference which group/race/gender/orientation/nationality does it.

Sorry, but no. She’s not a TERF at all.

As a bisexual male who’s experienced tremendous discrimination, mostly at the hands of gay males, I despise discrimination.

You’ve lied in everything you’ve said. At NO POINT has Rowling EVER called for the genocide of ANYONE.

Anything to justify your hate.

More lies, shitbag? Is that all you have?

More evidence of your stupidity and your hate. You do nothing but look for excuses to dehumanize and justify murder.