
I think it’s more that there is no such thing as mansplaing or womansplaining. It’s a group thinking another has less knowledge of a subject they probably do and try to explain it in to them in poor fashion. I could, similarly to you, say that your womanexcusing your way out of a sexist comment but that would in

It’s almost as if Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization for a reason.

Even a slight uptick in the already-growing popularity of raw milk is likely to cause a lot more illness, they further found.

I had to look at the comments just to see how many women would be here just to belittle people for misunderstanding the most poorly defined term of this decade.

That’s what’s so annoying about conservatives. They push for “less government intervention” even while using the government to push their ideas for what they think is best.

I just don’t think I’ve ever heard of a progressive, unmarried, child-free couple that wasn’t inundated with a metric ton of cats and dogs.

Although, on that note (and I know I’m going to catch shit for this), I always find it embarrassing as shit when someone tries substituting children with pets. Like... this person

Yeah, normally in these abusive relationships “she” can’t leave because she’s financially dependent on his income. In this case, she’s the sole breadwinner, lady, dump his abusive, freeloading ass, and never look back.

Point of pedantic order: I really think the term “x-splaining” loses its meaning when it becomes a synonym for any condescension. I thought “x-splaining” was specifically the instance when someone of group x tries to tell a member of group y how he or she should feel.

First, his comment doesn’t even use big words in it.... second, Nobody uses the word polysyllabic... You are literally doing what you are accusing him of doing and he isn’t even doing that.

Probably to start. How else are they supposed to realistically roll it out?

I think you are trying to create an issue where none exists. This is a major undertaking. They just announced the initiative in January. It’s just not a big deal that they haven’t chosen someone to run it yet. This has a real potential to help the health care system that really needs it.

No, because they only voted for this because they know it has no chance (has to be passed in the House and signed by Trump, which will literally never happen in a trillion fucking years).

I think Super Metroid on the Virtual Console was the first game I ever gifted someone. It’s wild to think Nintendo had made a point of doing it back then and then decided to drop it for the 3DS, Wii U, and now Switch (at least for now).

Wait, I didn’t even realize this wasn’t a thing particularly on the Switch. It was even a thing on the original Wii and that console’s store was pretty awful to navigate.

Ah, so it’s a game about actual memes, not the heavily corrupted definition of the word we use today.

Not really that interesting as far as mods go, but back in the day when I was a poor undergrad, I used cut up garbage bags and tape to channel the entire opening of my big L-R sliding dorm window to the intake fans on the back of my first self-built PC, and took my first crack at overclocking. I don’t remember exactly

A good boot SSD. No matter what other components you have a nice SSD will make a huge difference in performance and power draw.

SSD. IMO the most noticeable upgrade even when compared to CPU or memory. If you put two systems side by side, one with a HDD and the other a SSD the difference in responsiveness is night and day.

One thing that is easily overlooked and often skimped on is a solid PSU. No its not flashing and it won’t bump you benchmark shores up. However, it’s a real shame to whatch a multi-grand rig go up in literal smoke beacuase of a cheap PSU.