The words get stuck in my throat
The words get stuck in my throat
I’m so old I saw Q in the theater when I was 8 years old! lol!
Myself as well, always on channel 9 in NYC on the day after Thanksgiving and had playworld commericals all day!
It can be argued that 1981’s The Evil Dead, made on a shoestring budget when director Sam Raimi was barely 21, kicked off the 1980s boom in horror comedy [...] the 2013 Evil Dead remake was a more or less humorless repeat of Raimi’s first feature, and it failed to measure up to its predecessors
Should be mentioned, Imperoli’s lifelong fascination with gazing at his shoes began when he was shot in the foot one fateful day in 1990.
I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit. The reality, like it or not, is that the next president will be one of two candidates. One of them is terrible. Even if you think Biden is the lesser of two evils, that still makes him the lesser of two evils. My father died from COVID in April, and it was preventable - and that’s the…
And some of the ones who survived have life long back problems! Like me.
“Caligula” is pretty much the opposite in every way of the porn musical “Alice in Wonderland”. It’s like Dan just threw out “Caligula” without knowing literally anything about the porn musical “Alice in Wonderland”. It’s like the most random, inappropriate Netflix recommendation possible. It’s like recommending…
RE: Alice in Wonderland
You guys missed a golden opportunity to start this article with “HEY! LISTEN!”
Take the vampires bowling. Take them bowling.
NTA: We know, per Vasquez, that Gorman was always the asshole.
But it was The Prestige film of the summer!
You’re truly an interstellar dark knight of jokes. Dunkirk.
They are fun to groove in a cave with, especially if you’re one of several species of small, furry animals gathered together.
Sting does still look pretty sprightly for his age. Probably still has the underwear too.
Lynch’s Dune is wonderful. It’s one of those movies that works best mildly hungover on a rainy Saturday with a couple of friends who have similar tastes, and a bit of good weed and maybe a beer or two to take the rest of the edge off and let the movie take you where it wants you to go.
They still haven’t announced who’s going to play Feyd yet, so he might be in the post credit sequence. Nothing on the Corrinos, either.
The pumpkin spice must flow.