
as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

I posted this on another thread, but I think a lot of it bears repeating. The justification for tearing down these statues lies in the reality of the Confederacy and how it began.

Here’s how Germany commemorates the spot where Hitler died. Maybe Southern towns could take a tip from the pros.

I’m a Southerner, born and bred, and these people are fucking appalling. The Confederates were not American soldiers and every last one of the leaders of the secessionist movement were traitors.

Sorry, my universal gibberish translator is broken.

Putting this out there in advance of the guys thinking this is an unfair “man tax”.

Video game consumer culture has gotten so toxic people are upset at a gaming company for selling cosmetic items that consumers are more than happy buying with no impact on the actual game. When has the concept of “I am not interested in this product so I won’t buy it” turned in to “I am not interested in this product

Having 60 million people without insurance yet having a law that mandates emergency treatment and stabilization for all, regardless of ability to pay. Forcing ~18% of the population (and there is a lot of evidence that the uninsured are less healthy than the general population) to use the MOST EXPENSIVE TREATMENT

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For comparison, Three Mile Island footage in all it’s 1980's camera glory from inside the melted core. Approximately 50% was melted in that case.

Should the people on the way out of this life be the ones making decisions for those of us who will still be here in 6 months?

Online commentators are already saying she deserved it, because her tag was blank (in FL, that means the driver is in a high-security level job, and it is a danger to them to have their personal info listed) and so was a criminal, her tint was too dark, and it’s perfectly legal to just run tags (in many states it

Avenger HQ is is Porsche Cars North America HQ in Atlanta. Porsche and Audi are owned by the same parent company. I would wager that the Avengers get to use the building in partial trade for consideration for some hero cars here and there.

It’s really really bad. And for me personally, 50 games is a lot of time just to get to my actual skill level. That doesn’t count bad games, and even if I do play enough to get to my natural SR, the grind to go up is even slower, because they slam the brakes on how much you gain from then on!

Exactly. He’s Dorian Gray and we’re his portrait.

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I think you meant Amazing 90s Sitcom. Esp this glorious music video

You wash out your filthy mouth, Rob. That show was awesome, not awful. The social satire was up there with the Simpsons’ best seasons.

I just posted something similar upthread.

“Sure Bobby, you can try out for the football team. Just an FYI, everyone on the football team is in the bible literacy class. It’s an optional class, totally your choice whether you take it or not. It won’t impact whether you make the team. Just want you to know that everyone on the team is in the class.”

They’ll treat him like shit after he commits.