
This is gonna be another one of those-R rated movies that is filled with kids age 3 to 10.

Trump is terrified of being pinned down on this one. He really has no good options. He can’t repudiate Moore because his base would revolt. He can’t endorse Moore after the GOP in Congress abandoned him. He can’t come out vaguely against sexual harassment because it would call attention to his own record. So he’s

Sure, except Moore’s is an established pattern with things like “banned from a mall for being a creepy weirdo” and “literally trying to rape a 14 year old as a 32 year old man,” included in it, not “mimed grabbing at breasts in an obviously staged photo” or “possibly kissed too aggressively during a super-secret

I’m confused about everyone saying this photo is evidence of sexual assault. It’s unprofessional, it’s unpleasant, I’d be furious too if I were her, and he absolutely should be grovelling for this. I’m not defending him in the least, and I don’t care at all if this wrecks his career. Them’s the breaks, jackass.

I’ll say this, the “fake gamer” is a real thing, but it isn’t restricted to women. People are drawn to these platforms because of the capacity to make money, and they’ll happily adopt any persona that will get them access to that revenue. I personally know one woman and three dudes who had no interest in games until

I don’t have anything deep or even snarky to add to the conversation. I am just sad and tired to my bones.

My idea: Tarquin from Rock n’ Roll Racing, but instead of a character voice, all his actions are play by play commented on by Loudmouth Larry!

I want somebody from Rock n’ Roll Racing.

He even has Dodgson there as the maroon line in and out of the LTD wagon taxi!!

Any album with a song called “Devil’s Anus” gets high priority on my play queue.

It’s also hinted at with his new Ult, which he activates while screaming, “I AM OPEN TO BDSM!”

Sucks to your ass-mar.

May I present, this map:

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Per the late and unlamented Steve Bannon, the real goal of this transgender ban is strictly political; he wants to use this as a wedge issue to force Democrats to take on the (in his view) politically toxic defense of transgender soldiers’ right to serve.