
I love love love the belief so many men have that suggesting a woman owns a cat is a horrible insult. Cat ownership is just fine for men, of course. But any woman who owns one (or, god forbid, more than one) is by definition desperate, lonely and pathetic.

I think the real question is why the hell wouldn’t you want to?

Years ago, I was taking a World History class and we were talking about World War II and the Holocaust. A number of my classmates kept asking if people really knew what was going on with the extermination of the Jews, so I wrote to a gentleman who was a high-ranking member of the Hitler Youth during the war asking

Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.

And potentially traumatic for the children.

When I was pregnant with my third daughter I can’t even count the number of people who thought it was okay to say things like, “Ohhh you must be so disappointed.” And my personal favorite (by the nurse in the hospital who delivered her), “Don’t worry, you’re still young enough to have more.” Our go to response was,

But the hostile takeover is ostensibly done by someone else and then at the last minute she pops up and is all “sorry pops it was me all along GUESS I’M JUST AS GOOD AT BUSINESS AS A SON HUH.”

Right? I want to call my Dad and be like ‘thank you for telling me everyday, especially by actions and not even words, that I could do absolutely anything I wanted and you would always stand behind me!” Thankfully, last year for his birthday I wrote him a long letter about that, and what a wonderful husband he is to

I kept my last name. My uncle’s sole child who I would not claim at a raffle if she came with a cake served on my psuedo-hubby, Darius Kaspiritus has never had this last name. She has gone through spells with her mother’s various husbands/live ins and boyfriends’ last names and what not but never the family name.

He will grow up in Portland, so it’s not entirely unlikely.

Only sons can carry on his family business? Is it operated by using one’s penis to type?

I feel like I understand what you’re trying to communicate. It’s easy to take all the people that obsess over their daughters sexuality ( whether thats through finding her attractive and commenting on it, stating you’d date her if she wasnt your daughter, sexually abusing and raping her or guarding her sexuality as

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

If I were this girl’s mother I would be seriously tempted to give up years of my life in prison just to brutally murder this man.

Everything you need to know about Donald Trump, you can know from the fact that he eats steak well done. My mom made me cook a prime rib to well done once, and I almost reported her to amnesty international.

Here’s the thing: I teach at a university and have had transgender students in my classes. If a student is receiving hormone therapy and has for some time, it is very, very likely that that student can “pass” (which is an imperfect term, but you get what I mean) for the gender they’re living as. I would never have

you know what else is an irreversible decision??? HAVING A BABY

Now now...Americans believe in mental health when there’s a mass shooting done by a previously law-abiding white Christian man.

Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.

I don’t think it’s nostalgia. I think it’s a phenomeno that’s worth discussion. Many couples say they weren’t trying but they weren’t trying not too, and have reported that for generations. It’s obviously great to have planned children, but I think it’s interesting and worthwhile to examine how we sometimes sidle into