When I don't wear mascara people ask me if I'm dying of stage 4 cancer, so Uma, I feel yew heavy.
When I don't wear mascara people ask me if I'm dying of stage 4 cancer, so Uma, I feel yew heavy.
Jokes about menstrual cycles are not funny. Period.
As far as Kylie is concerned, I'd argue that her "toned down" way of promoting herself is exactly why she is only popular in Australia and some of Europe. Her appeal is not one I would refer to as universal. Conversely, Australia is going to lose their collective shit when Madonna finally announces her tour dates and…
Mark, she is a pop singer. Any pop singer's main goal should be to have their music reach as many people as possible. What the fuck else is she supposed to do? Air it on MTV, which no longer airs music videos? As for the "slow news day" comment - that is dumb and thoughtless. This premier date has been set for a…
Old SATs flashback time! Madonna is to people under 25 as _____ is to people under 50?
My grandma and mother both use"...it's interesting"
As a janitor at multiple buildings, OH MY GOD, do I have to respectfully disagree. The womens' restrooms almost always have way more garbage just left all over the floors, and there seems to be a real issue with flushing. I'm not willing to assume that its a gender-related issue, but rather that Wells Fargo seems to…
Pretty sure I've had edible anus before but when I had it it was called Hardee's.
Friend of a friend is opposed to allowing trans women in women's restrooms, because he has a 3 year old daughter, "and I don't want her to see that. How would I explain that to her?" 1) Women's restrooms have stalls, so she wouldn't even see anything, and 2) I had to bite my tongue really hard to keep from quoting…
No no no, your feelings don't count until you've shared them with EVERYONE. You have to share them on facebook, twitter, pintrest, instagram, tumblr, vine and the other social media sites. Every "like" is validation, every new follower is a victory.
Open letter to various;
How about just moving the fuck along? Unless someone maimed you, killed you or ruined your credit, just forget about it.
I prefer to live with myself. I don't need a piece of paper to define my relationship.
The perverts up by the stage would be, I suppose, venture fapitalists?
it has become a problem for a generation of younger women
Courtney can't count athlons.