I can't stan Chipotle because your burrito etc never can be eaten hot or mildy warm. The dumping of fixin's sees to that? How do you eat hot off the line Chipoltle? Anyone?
I can't stan Chipotle because your burrito etc never can be eaten hot or mildy warm. The dumping of fixin's sees to that? How do you eat hot off the line Chipoltle? Anyone?
He can't make a statement regarding all the accusations against him by women but the women in his life can? Just sayin'.
the comparer-one upper friend.
I'm so grateful for early menopause. Trying to attract men is gone and life is GRAND
Over-think things much? Jesus.
I'm surprised ole Niecy has such a low self esteem.
As a 7 year sober female and a huge EP fan, I feel most for her family. This death certificate scoop in no way makes me feel less admiration for her.
Lone Star was her shining star
um, European-descent white males proclaiming land as theirs where ever they go? Not a stretch.
I am so tired if this economy and the shitty companies that take advantage if the neo surfs who sign their rights away just to have a job.