
"To me, gaming critics are using moral criticisms of art too easily;"

Edit: You know what, nevermind. The reason the post is so loaded is because I don't really expect to change anyone's mind, and I can't be bothered to explain much. Honestly though have a nice day.

Ugh, a great follow-up post too. I found the "punching up at existing power structures" very odd, he breezed past it as if it was assumed GTA V was supposed to set out to do that. Really though, fantastic post.

"People are free to produce what they want. Other people are free to criticize it. This is not a bug; this is the system working as intended"

You're like a leveled up version of me when it comes to this please make lots of posts everywhere.

That was kind of nice for lots of reasons. Fairly simple, elegant even. Sony you can do better though.

I think we just have poor critics. We have poor critics, and poor "journalist" who believe parroting the views of others built on ridiculous notions and fundamental misunderstandings of art's relationship with humans and culture is elite artistic criticism. Nah. Everyone is carrying around the same poorly thought out

Oh my god this post is so good it hurts.

Those were actually two really great commercials. I'd agree, more like these from everyone.

Hmmmm. All very interesting points, none I'd contest really, and the economy's troubles potentially affecting the growth of the industry is something I hadn't considered. I know the medium still has a lot of exploration to do, and trust me I look forward to it, but are we really as accepted as rock 'n 'roll? Do we run

Do you think we curbed the potential expansion of the video games industry with this generation?

It's really a compromise. They want massive multiplayer worlds with the gameplay quality of single player games, but there are too many technical and even design limitations to making that happen, so they instead went for seamless multiplayer integration.

I sometimes wonder if despite all my excitement for some new games, if we've stagnated a lot more than we realize this generation. Is that why it feels possible to actually outgrow being excited for games? Or maybe we just never really examined the affect of gaming's growth into a massive entertainment industry, the

Wait, so outsourcing to the community another freedom of the artist? And where's the moral dilemma? Doesn't making the group of polygons subject to the whim of any player DURING THE GAME, make them an object? At what point during the development process do they become human? What moral pros and cons are they opening

Wrong. The difference between races, still don't require new character models, or new animations. They can be done with a shader, and some preset features. See, I'd like you to reread your post, especially that last part. You're comparing a stereotype, or caricature of black people, to making a female character with

Wait but the male devs are dictating how their females characters look aren't they? Where do the morals come in? Who is being hurt the polygons and pixels? How can the character be objectified for letting men decide what they look like when every character is likely to have to be agreed upon by several men before they

Except that wouldn't really make sense. See the very reason that female models are even in a position to be released after the fact, is because they require work that male characters don't, what work would a different race require that would need to be added on? A shade of skin? They couldn't use a slider? Or forget

Okay so from the beginning you made it very clear that the characters are in fact objects. You are fully aware of that. They are objects. Objects that after being modeled would then be "decorated" by the likely male developers, are we to assume that human depictions can be dehumanized anywhere outside the context of

I don't like assuming too much so could you explain what the reasons for that are? Do you just generally think it's a bad idea to ask the audience?

What's the stupid question again? I mean personally I don't think they should be designing by polls, but if it was just an add-on, what was the stupid question? They asked there audience what they would like to see, you or I may not like all of the designs but I'm assuming neither of us were asked or played warface so