

If you actually read the article, it’s not about the game being delayed, that happens all the time after all. It’s about their staff directly lying to the backers and then trying to cover it up later. The fact that it coincides with them trying to finish up funding on a Kickstarter that was already having trouble

“If this cast and this director can’t make a compelling story out of these four, maybe it can’t be done?”

This was so close to a really good joke and then you had to keep writing. So close.

He’s just emphasizing the importance of a nuclear family.

These are bad, failed analogies. HitchBOT was not lost. HitchBOT was discarded. By its very design hitchBOT was set adrift for strangers to do with as they pleased. Its creators did that on purpose. If someone dropped a camera in the garbage, I would not smash it—what’s the point?—but if another guy found the camera

Oh for chrissakes. Reading comprehension.

It didn’t need to get across the country at all. It would not have cared if it had lain in the same spot forever. Its creators needed to prove some bizarre point about how if you just give something to stranger after stranger after stranger, they’ll all cherish it far more than you apparently did because you gave it

“Can people, out of the charity of their heart, help the least of us along our path in life?”

C’mon man, don’t write “@sses,” kids could be reading this.

But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

Because I hate black people.

You mean you’re really struggling to understand why a sports site would cover sporting events?

Next thing you know they’ll want to vote or wear pants or drive.

Nice false equivalence there; two grown adults fighting is clearly the same thing as a dog-fighting ring or child-fighting organization. Clearly.

Thanks, 1800’s gentleman with a long cane and pointy beard!

A few points:

A fair portion of my job is repairing and troubleshooting broken Mac’s. Your 99% bug free claim? Pure horseshit.