
How would that make any sense?

It’s unclear from this article how the extension “tracked Jews,” it merely puts parentheses around names identified as Jewish, correct? Did it do anything more than that?

I’m on a mission

I was so excited when Fincher was set to direct. Now I’m far more excited to see Fassbender in Macbeth. Somehow that feels fresher than Aaron Sorkin on Steve Jobs.

He did end up writing a similar article about the Democrats.

He did end up writing the same sort of piece about the Democrats, actually.

Burneko DID end up doing the same for the Democraticocratic debate. Will you uphold your end of the bargain? Can’t post the link but it’s called “No, Seriously, Dissolve The United States.”

This seems pretty standard, as a kid raised in Texas in the late 2000s. Middle/High school textbooks are shitty and vague, what’s new about that? Look, when they start teaching about the burning of Black Wall Street and ANYTHING about the Stonewall Riots, call me. “History” has always been bland and inoffensive, and

Broken Age was split up into two parts, the first being quite cool and the second part being godawful. Drop that one. I actually have my own floundering funded Kickstarter project, and, although I did tell all backers I’d be happy to refund any of them at any time (none accepted, it being a smaller pool of family and

I think now that utorrent is trying to scam its users it’s time to recommend a different torrent client

i grew up with videogames.

Driving is so fucking boring is the thing. It's so uninteresting and yet so dangerous.
Source: I'm a teen who doesn't like to drive, luckily I live in Seattle where I can bus everywhere.

i mean... this is factually incorrect

haha but what about us asexuals? WE ARE THE FLAW IN YOUR NARRATIVE
wait dammit i have urges too
mostly the urge to comment

You're thinking of Taoism, but you are close.

Check out the slider below. On the left, the North American version of the motivation mini-game. On the left, the original Japanese.

You're not supposed to follow everything. It's a constantly flowing river, and sometimes you reach in if something attracts your eye.
That type of content engagement isn't for everyone, but it is certainly fun!

I'm frankly ashamed of how poorly we've dealt with this issue during my tenure as CEO. It's absurd. There's no excuse for it. I take full responsibility for not being more aggressive on this front. It's nobody else's fault but mine, and it's embarrassing.

it took me a little bit to realize that you were trying to do a snarky answer-your-own-question thing here. It didn't work.