
The running joke is that this game is this generation’s “Spore”. Wasn’t Spore delayed too? Eh, at least Spore turned out to be an amazing success though so we have nothing to worry about.

We’ve done every candidate (except Chris Christie and Jim Gilmore, sorry, it was a bad week for me) as they’ve dropped out. Presumably those candidates’ campaigns will end one way or another, and we’ll get ‘em.

Congratulations on doggedly pursuing the point, and very nearly getting it within your grasp

Yup, someone who spent almost his entire 20s living in india is clearly whitewashed.

As someone who grew up in America, but with family origins in India, I can tell you without hesitation that..

Considering the “origin” of Deadpool involves Nicieza looking at Liefeld’s Deadpool sketch and saying “This is Deathstroke.”, yeah, it’s really surprising he’s not mentioned at all.

Yeah, you kinda get the feeling this was ghost written by Liefeld (who’s been sued on multiple occasions for theft of ideas).

“Unapologetically, absent me there is no Deadpool. Period,” said Rob Liefeld. “I am the name, the costume, the look, the origin and the attitude. Great one-liners are the result of other writers. But there’s no Deadpool at all in existence without me.”

Seriously? An entire piece on Deadpool and not one mention of Deathstroke? That’s like an entire article on the Squadron Supreme or Imperial Guard and no mention or the Justice League or Legion of Superheroes. While I’ve no doubt Liefeld thinks he pulled this character out of the ether, that’s no reason for you to act

Nothing about Deadpool is subtle. Why would we expect his marketing to be any less?

The Seahawks aren’t garbage and nobody likes an ungrateful transplant. Move home.

Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?

The only problem is that Eminem is a cunt.

Same with me i only guessed by seeing i could not jump them because they were to tall

It would have been nice to play through this game with the darker shade of blue attacks. I’m colorblind, and most of the time, I had to guess which attacks were blue because I couldn’t see them.

Also, sadly, the Los Angeles story does not feature young, good looking white people. If it did, we would have seen it on Jezebel.

Bookmarked to read later.

I will say the game is definitely worse if you try fighting. Trying to do the genocide run is a seriously depressing and dull experience, and the game is intentionally doing that to make you feel like shit. Also, doing the bad ending results in probably one of the most toughest boss fights I have ever done.

Thanks for this, I think it’s exactly what I needed. I’ve been just kind of drifting my way through, spamming the “Fight” option. I’ll start trying different things. Thanks!