
So... wait... you steal before you buy, buying only if you like it... but you haven't paid for a film for decades... Either you're an amoral liar, or you need to watch better movies.

This descent is one of those "you had to be there" moments. It looks cool to watch, but it's a heck of a lot more fun to play. Get to the bottom, hit a switch, and watch as the gigantic flood gates open. Actually, it's best not to watch—the doors are on a fifteen minute timer. Use your best wallruns and leaps to get

I was a big fan of Saints Row IV- it was predicated on being a video game, but rather than "being a video game," it seemed themed and designed around the idea that open-world games shouldn't have to be realistic. For once, the glitchiness of open world was going to be an inspiration for itself. I recommend it pretty

I think it just means that if you want to play a Super Smash Bros. Game for Nintendo 3DS, you should just buy Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo does this a lot. Remember Super Mario 64? :)

"duh yeah uh the game looks really good but i can't play as a girl."
PC Master Race here, you don't speak for us. Fuck off.

No love for Enemy Starfighter? I played it at PAX, and they had Oculus Rift!

I wasn't afraid of anything. I don't get where people are getting the horror aspect from.

I did the same thing, but I never received a code for free three-motnth Netflix. Did you, or do you know who I should email about that? I ordered it day one...

One nook I'd never ventured into held the wolves that the Solarii sicced on me after I failed at staying hidden.

so um no rape happened in this...

yeah well this fall isn't RIGHT NOW

Dammit, iOS only.

He redeemed himself for me in This Is The End, where he plays himself as that image of him we all hate. He's pretentious and douchey and self-absorbed and weird and it's hilarious.

you can't understand sarcasm, but you also named yourself after an ender's game character. hilarious

you're a crazy kooky person who thinks feminism is the same as political correctness, and actually believed that that political correctness impacts anything at all.

Theeeere we go. I was wondering what your deal was so I scrolled down from the top comment. Didn't realize you were a crazy person. Sure, there's no stigma against women in gaming culture- they're only 11% of the industry because they're lazy or something.
Go away.

wow, they included Gangnam Style? how weird, nobody would've expected that

Um... hello? This is just the same video as the trailer from a month ago. WTF.

"man i cannot catch a break with these two"

alexander bruce!!!