
Pai is a moron and happily danced for the corporate CEOs who patted his head to say what a special widdle boy he was.

But for Destiny 2 newcomers or PC-only players, suddenly being locked out of high-level content might come as a surprise to anyone who didn’t want to drop $20 on Curse of Osiris.

Since I now look like a crazy person responding to the word “dsxghdfj” (thank you Kinja), I’ll note here that the original post was talking about how Destiny 2 is essentially an MMORPG and how it’s pretty standard for games like World of Warcraft to lock players out of content every time an expansion rolls around.

AHAHAHAHA holy fuck Bungie could you just fucking stop. Like you almost had a slightly okay thing going again after the exp debacle, but this push to make people buy the expansion to play original game’s content that is tooooo fucky dudes. It’s like they want to get shit on.

Except, I can buy exactly the magic card I want from other people who’ve already opened the packs.

game hasn’t been released yet and people already complaining about content... lame

Press Sneak Fuck doing work. Here’s hoping they don’t have to reboot the DLC significantly in a week due to player complaints.

Seriously. NMS makes vanilla Destiny look like freaking Tolstoy in comparison.

Gotta get the widow skin before blizzard changes it for being too hot

I dunno, you had the perfect chance to do that with WatchDogs 2 from the start. As other commenters pointed out, giving the player a series of non-lethal melee moves combined with the taser instead of trying to be GTA would have made more sense then a hacker whom would surely call much more attention to themselves by

Buns of Metal, dear; Solid, too.

Damn, there was nothing that man could not excel at!

How about his fellow FF protagonist with his male equivalent of a metal bikini? :D

Maybe a deconstruction of the Ed Grimley character from SNL?

i want that last pair of pants, for when i get too lazy to put a shirt on

Should’ve asked them what they thought about this fashion train wreck


I like how Alexandra thinks.

That probably got awkward when your spouse got killed...

Tried making my GF and I. Turned out ok!