Found the odd Farcry fanboy, for some reason.
Found the odd Farcry fanboy, for some reason.
You are taking the piss with this comment. FarCry 3 was arguably good and everything since has tried to capitalize on that.
At 27, most of my buddies and I happen to live in the same area still so I guess I got lucky. We still talk daily and see each other multiple times a week. We tend to just sit in discord while doing other things most of the time as well. Nearly all of them hate talking on the phone for extended periods.
The game is too easy now imo, so I’m going to play devils advocate here. I know it seems fun to blaze through everything with broken weapons but in the same vein as that cringy twitter post about cheating yourself, it really is more fun to overcome a tougher obstacle with your friends than steamroll through it a…
“Don’t limit me to 500 materials, please. My fear, if say they cap it at 500 across the board, you’re going to have a potential situation where a bad player is just spraying you, and you run out of materials.”
Between this, Last of Us 2, Kelly Marie Tran and Millie Bobby Brown, i want to know when my fellow gender became such fucking babies. What the hell are you idiots so scared of?
“Our game will have you fighting Nazi zombies!”
“Oh, cool.”
“In our WWII game, there’s a female protagonist!”
lol Still not feeling bad. You choose to do a job (in most parts of the world). Where is that bleeding heart for other jobs? Easy compared to a lot of jobs out there that pay 1% of what he’s taking in. Get on camera and dance that’s what you are paid to do and people want it.
We do our best to just treat them like we would any other publisher. Any time I’m going to run a report like this, I’ll always ask the relevant parties for comment. Sure, Bethesda hasn’t responded in nearly five years, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop asking. Let the onus be on them.
There’s also the fact that direct purchases undeniably mean better content for everyone. When you’ve got loot boxes you can get away with having 1 great skin and a dozen crappy ones because people will disregard the crappier ones in an attempt to get to the good one, which has lower odds. But with a cosmetics store,…
*sheepishly raises hand*
I would agree if Destiny were in some way unfixable or production had ceased. With recent events, it sounds like they might have finally dislodged their heads from their asses. At least a little bit.
Why is this even a thing. It has a feeling of planned obsolescence. Like at some point they want your rift to not work and force you to upgrade. I’m sure that wasn’t intended at this point but what is essentially a fancy monitor should just stop working because a certificate is out of date. If anything there should be…
Bye bye, Mr. Oculus guy
Used the theater as a VR while I watched kittens cry
And them goold ole streamers were playing demos all night
Singing this’ll be the day runtime dies
This’ll be the day runtim dies
This is exactly the sort of thing I want to happen with my expensive electronic devices, to arbitrarily and completely stop working due to software concerns entirely outside of my control.
It’s great. Really.
Mrs. Assassin, my wife, multiracial, all the way from the small island of Malamawi. Lots of Filipino blood. I love it.
I thought the catch was that black sims didn’t work well with Wicked Whims.
For a second I thought the catch was going to be paid DLC.