
That’s the guy that Kanye West promoted, right? Glad to see his work is getting out there.

i don’t think you played FO3.

Sigh... that weird looking fetus was not the only thing aborted...

Does the backward compatibility work with Games with Gold. If I only have an Xbox One can I also claim the 360 games and play them if/when they make it onto the BC list?

Remember when destiny first launched and the worst people had to complain about was getting screwed out of good loot by Master Rahool?

Once they figure out how to stop it from killing, I suspect.

And yet people will still complain

Hmm... An article about Xbox. I think I’ll use this opportunity to bash Sony! :D

How about a replacement for the POS Day One controller that broke just by squeezing it too hard?

Or, you know, they both have influence on each other. I mean the War Boys are Psychos.
They both:
1.Are extremely white and pasty.
2. Don’t wear shirts.
3. Yell nonsensical things.
4. Run around with their arms flopping around.
5. Worship some bright and shiny deity some old dude tells them about. (The flame cult or Lilith

16 dlc...

Feminism doesn’t equate to man hating. Some people (on both sides) like to think it does, but, it doesn’t. So you’re not going to be hit over the head with anything that seems preachy or condescending to one gender or the other. Trust me.

It isn’t at all. It’s no different then the rest of the series goes as far as giving everyone their fair share of believability. The overall message of “we are not things” applies just as much to the war fodder war boys just as it does to the mother wives. The point being that everyone in this universe is being used

Anyone else think that out of all post-apocalyptic games or related worlds, so much of this movie seemed to borrow tons of ideas from Borderlands? The vehicles were so similar to the bandits’ vehicles (guns and spinning blades), the attitude personality of the War Boys was just like the bandits too. The guitar guy was

I can’t laugh at this because I honestly feel it’s plausible...

The gaming police won’t come for you, but if it’s too easy to win by spamming/too hard to counter it, then there’s a game design problem that ought to be fixed.

Would it make more sense with games like these to have attacks do less damage the more you use them? It would keep fights interesting to play and watch because it forces you and your opponent to play differently.

It reminds me of the batman fight rooms for some reason. In those gamemodes you could do the same move

Konami. Not Kojima.

Dear Konami,

It’s almost as if Konami doesn’t want money.