
Just came by to read the opening sentence.

yea you cant criticize something unless you can do it yourself right? i guess you never criticize games or movies or anything then :)

Yep, you sure are.

I always ignore those leaderboards and just use the "Friends Only" leaderboards.

I'm pretty sure even Bungie themselves don't know what the Darkness is...

Can't believe Microsoft would announce something and then immediately take it back.

This is what desperation looks like.

are you sure you bought a pc? Maybe you bought a Sega genesis

The logic in that is so pisspoor that it's actually pretty funny.

Dammit Rockstar, I want my games on time and crippled with bugs!

just like if a person who plays mostly/only PC games would have their asses handed to them on a console? Sigh... Relax, it's a different form of gaming other than your own, show some humility in life and don't be a dick.

This montage brought to you by Destiny's very, very forgiving auto aim.

What, you mean the PC? The platform on which i bought the game? On which the game wasn't playable for a good 5 months? On which i had more dropout then on every game i've ever owned during the first 4 months? Which wasn't really playable during the first 7 to 8 months on the PC platform? You're talking about the game

I play console so I don't have to hear the sound of PC nerds jerking each other off about how they only play video games on PC in my headset.

I want THIS Max Payne to come back...

God, this review is so on point. I stopped reading to clap/wipe tears from my eyes several times.

Destiny's story was not a train wreck... there needs to be a train in order for there to be a train wreck.

So mute it? If you don't like silence, play your own music to it.

Man... those crackers may be assholes, but if they were right on one thing it is that Sony really needs to step up their game when it comes to defending against cyber attacks

Now playing

Oh look! A link to the original, longer video on YouTube that ISN'T YET ANOTHER LIVELEAK SHITPOST!