
Your point is similar to mine. But when you use words like puny, it gives your point a taint of fanboyism.

30gb Max Payne 3 says hi.

Hey goddammit. Fahey said "A moment of silence." What's with all the commenting in here?

You think that's bad?

Take a peek at what internet providers charge Canadians...

You could say that Steam has been...

You might want to do some research. I've gotten close to 20 billion dollars doing these exploits, no one is paying rockstar for their measly 5 million. That is the main issue to begin with, having to pay real money for in game money is what started all of this.

Hackers are clever, but in my eyes, to cheat, just makes you a complete coward and the victory would then seem completely empty!!!, I have never hacked, because I'm a good player... bad players decide to use hacks. They are pussies...... Then comes the day when you cross a hacker and you own them without hacks .....

They should make an in-game donation website where player could dump their money "Save the Sasquash" or "Feed Lazlo".

>Implies game is dying because he doesn't like it.

WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH? This is the new VGA right? What the hell did they do to it? So glad I didn't tune in this year.

I wish my hands were pies :(

Wrong Shu.

"Smells like Microsoft's business practices..."

You got to be serious when you take on the Monstars. #GOTY

That's outstanding. That's really fuckin' good. Nice idea, nice execution.

Those icy death stares. :S

Does it really matter? I don't think anyone really plays CoD for the graphics, and most CoD fans probably won't know what the difference between 720 and 1080p is.