Once you learn the twist, you can see all the clues peppered throughout that it was just M. Night Shyamalan in disguise all along.
“I’d see that for a dollar!”
But even with the understanding of the false equivalence, it’s still a shitty answer. White people shouldn’t be getting unnecessarily killed by police either.
I gotta say, my house is pretty heavy, so if BLM takes it I don’t know whether I’d be impressed or astonished.
Shhhh. Bernie is like Candyman. If you say his name three times his deranged supporters appear to harass you and tell you how non progressive you are compared to 50 Stents. I mean it is hard to get that message out from one of your three homes right Bernie?
I’m willing to bet that Trump also resents the hell of the Coronavirus because it, not he, now completely dominates national news.
Pretending? Why not? Apparently everything is double plus good these days. I’ve even heard chocolate production is up!
I swear I can’t listen to half the “real” punk bands from back in the day (Fastbacks, Black Flag, Misfits) because they were recording in a literal garage and the sound quality is s***.
I'm sure The Buzzcocks are thrilled to be categorised as 'pop punk'
“Best Pop Punk”
It was the memory of an unreliable narrator. When did everyone get so stupid? It’s not MEANT to be THE REAL LEE.
But “Green Room” would say yes.
Godzilla was fun, but I half-expected Vera Farmiga to say “Thanos was right” during her “I’m an extremely stable genius” speech.
Most of us are here for the brilliant political debates.
Reagrdless of the merits of this theory, fitting it and the battle to retake King’s Landing into the last three episodes would seem to be beyond the talents of most showrunners, let alone the idiots we have now.
So, about 17x faster paced than your average anime?
I’ve always hated fun. because of Nate Ruess’s singing, but the name certainly doesn’t help.
“What kind of places are they playing where their gender comes into factor?”
Planet Earth.