
There were a few post-game takes on a couple of channels where ex-players were like, “Yeah it’s a penalty, but you hate to see that affect the game.” Uh, then don’t line up 2 feet in the neutral zone?

“Which bone is most likely to be infected with racism?”

I thought so, but it was so dry I shrugged and hamfisted MY joke in there.

According to Kyrie, so does the planet Earth.

Paul Ryan certainly looks like he does.

Wait until the NFL realizes it’s mistake, as they were hoping to get Judas Priest drummer Scott Travis and serve everyone Big Boy burgers.

Given that Colin can’t get a contract, it’s a very subtle dig by the NFL twitter page showing Big Boi tipping his Kap.

My first thought was that it’s Ray’s family house (the one with the three mortgages).

While I agree with the OP’s assessment of the movie, they’re wrong about the sexism. Plenty of people hated that movie before they saw it because they did an all-female team. I thought that movie was a missed opportunity, with a lack of scripting and strong direction being the primary issues. I feel like the issue was

The reason they have trouble is because they probably are shitty people, and don’t recognize that fact.

IIRC, I think that’s what he did in the 1960s comics, too, no?

Yeah but...isn’t this literally all about Parkey and how he missed the kick?

I bet they get Papa Johns.

Even though I’m a huge Jodie Foster fan, I can tell you for sure that my brain wasn’t wired for Contact.

Next time, baby!

Why did you guys use a picture of a resuscitation dummy? 

I think someone who uses Twitter is a Tweeter?

Ugh, no more fantasy talk in regular football articles! 

The tax rate over $1 million in personal income used to be super high in the early 1900s (I assume because people didn’t usually have $1 million on their W-2s), but if someone wants to institute a graduated tax schedule on the super-rich to pay down the national debt and fund programs that’ll enrich the lives of a

That’s because he’s a movie star. I’d argue Jack Nicholson has only played Jack Nicholson in every movie from 1985 onward, and people seem fine with it.