I imagine he uses High Karate or Aqua Vevla. So, he smells like a cheesy dad.
I imagine he uses High Karate or Aqua Vevla. So, he smells like a cheesy dad.
Hillary should have greeted Trump and either complimented him or had a great joke ready. A video of them shaking hands and Trump laughing/smiling with Hillary would make about 35% of the US population spontaneously combust.
Someone should have told Xerxes.
Oh, Tobias!
It’s just meteorology, Dom: everyone knows that the East has trouble with westerly wins.
Well, it still carries through the primaries. If your preferred candidate in your party doesn’t win, look at the finalists and make a decision. If you supported Dem Candidate A, but Dem Candidate B wins the nomination, it’s likely that DCB is more aligned with your views than a guy who thinks tear-gassing babies in…
Holy shit. +1
What’s more racist: that nose or the fact that the Redskins Monkey is valued at $5 more than this doll?
Regardless, debate this we apparently must.
Scat Back Causes Scat Attack in Fisher Kid’s Khaki Pants
I’m surprised that Blessed Sacrament didn’t do better with their recruits, given Kavanaugh’s affinity for hops.
If you can’t hold yourself to the standards you set for others, then you can’t be taken seriously.
“The trash store called...they’re running out of YOU!”
Given the rumors about him, and the fact that he didn’t give Lena Dunham the time of day, it’s safe to say he’s not a fan of Girls.
I am DEFINITELY bougie enough to listen to podcasts, and the Deadcast is tough for me. I’ve tried twice and once I heard Drew’s voice, I was out.
I’m waiting for the black smoke signalling the crowning of a new Papa.
I’m an old fuddyduddy in that I like my baseball unis to be simple. I really, really like the jerseys, and I also like the logo and color schemes they’ve chosen, But I don’t like having that logo on the hat. I’d almost rather see just the M, without the fish. To my eyes, that fish logo looks better on the jersey than…
You just blew my goddamn mind.
“Buncha PORNFLAKES, if you ask me!”
Gruuudeeeen...on a Sunday afternooooon...